Friday, July 24, 2015

Departing the MTC

Dear Everyone,

Howdy! How is everyone doing this week?! Everything is just fine and dandy here in the MTC. At least for the next three days anyway cause after that ILL BE IN ARGENTINA. In case you couldn't tell by the caps.. I'm pretty excited. Only a little though. Not for the 24 hour flight though. That'll be pretty rough. I'll just pass the time by converting everyone on the plane to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jkjk.

It's been a pretty good week here though. Probably the fastest week I've had since I've been here in the MTC. Like my teacher said "Un día se siente como una semana, y una semana se siente como un día¨. That´s doctrine right there. 

Oh! Thank you all for the birthday wishes as well! If I don´t email you back, I´m sorry, I only have an hour for email time during the day. But I´ll try! Not gonna lie, I kinda forgot it was my birthday. I just went about my daily routine. Then at sacrament meeting, the Hermana´s told me happy birthday, and I was really confused for a second. Then I remembered.. Hey! It´s my birthday! I guess when you´re a missionary you don´t really focus on that stuff haha. It was a great day though. Oh I also got to see Elder Leavitt too! We didn´t get any cake or anything cause the MTC is pretty much a prison where you don´t celebrate anything. But we got a picture on our birthday! So I´ll be sure to attatch it. 

There was one thing that kinda stuck out to me this past week. It was the importance of patriarchal blessings. I was able witness my companion´s blessing, because he came without one. And also there was something that was said at our Sunday Night Devotional. He was an Emeritus General Authority, and I don´t remember his name. But he said that our patriarchal blessing is our own personal section of the Doctrine and Covenants. That hit me hard and I pondered it for a while, and I definitely read mine when I got back to the room haha. But I think some of us kind of take it for granted, I definitely do. Your patriarchal blessing is revelation from God specifically for you, personally. I invite all of you, if you have one, take it out, read it, ponder it, pray about it. I promise you will receive revelation through the Holy Ghost to find answers to your questions, and whatever you may be struggling with right now.

Thank you all for your support. In case you didn´t know, this is my last P Day in the MTC, soooooo.. Next time I email y´all, ILL BE IN ARGENTINA. Thank you all so much. I love you all.

Elder Evans

Thursday, July 23, 2015

News from Sister Solomon

Me and dad at the Provo temple before I reported to the MTC

So much has happened in the last week and it is so crazy. Where do I even begin? Well here are the names of everyone in my district: There's me and my companion, Sister Young, Sisters Coley, Burkgren, Davis, and McCleery. I get along REALLY well with Sister Coley. But, she's from Gilbert, Arizona and she's going to Milwaukee, Wisconsin so after the MTC I won't see her for a long time! I get along pretty well with my companion all the time although there have been some struggles. We are just two very opposite people. I seriously don't think they could have put two more different people together in a companionship. It has been hard and I really want to complain all the time but I have to remember that it's all about having a good attitude! Remembering that has helped me so much already. We have some awesome elders in our district too. Most of them are from Utah and Idaho but there's one from Tennessee. They are so cool but I'm going to miss them because none of them are going to Phoenix with me and my companion. Oh well, let's just hope there are some cool elders already there.

I have learned sooooo much since I have been here. Seriously, they keep us so busy it feels like I have been here for like two months already. I thought it was going to be hard for me because I'm so tired and didn't want to obey dumb little rules when I got here. But actually, my overall MTC experience has been super positive. I'm maintaining a really good attitude and having a lot of fun. The time is starting to go by faster though because I am just constantly kept busy. This week on Monday, we started teaching "investigators" (who I'm pretty sure are members and just actors) as if we were actually teaching them in the field. Well, one of them is moving along pretty slowly but she's still moving along. She recently lost her 27 year old son and has been really interested in near death experiences which is why she agreed to meet with us. The other investigator is a year younger than me. She's super cool and is working on her own graphic novel that she's going to sell at Salt Lake Comic-Con this year. Yesterday, Sis. Young and I taught her and she told us she wanted to be baptized!! They don't tell us which ones are actors and which are real investigators but i'm like 90% sure she's already a member. Oh well, it was still really exciting! I was so nervous the first time I was about to start teaching our investigators. I thought I was going to throw up on everybody. But after every lesson I've had this week (which is like 8), I come out of the room and I just have this crazy feeling of excitement in my chest. It's really hard to keep it all inside. When we come out of a lesson, Sister Young and I just start freaking out and high-fiving each other. It's pretty awesome!

My district pretty much stays in one classroom all the time and we just leave our stuff in there. We hardly ever see the sun. No joke. Like, even when we go outside to get to other buildings, all of the sidewalks are covered for shade. I'm glad I'm not staying here for 12 weeks like some people because never seeing the sun would be super depressing. I only have to put up with it for 12 days! Well, now it's like 5 more days. Crazy! Anyway, I have three teachers throughout the day. They have all been back from their missions for like 2 years. Their names are Brother Avila, Brother Norris, and Brother Savio. They are all really good teachers but have very different teaching styles. But I like all of them! My favorite is Brother Savio. He is probably one of the most Christlike people I have ever met. The first day of class, he took us all out of the room one-by-one and took us on a walk where we just talked and he got to know us so that he could teach us better. When he prays, it's not the same format we all go by. I'll have to show you when I get back but he has been re-teaching us how to pray. I'm so glad because it just feels so much different now. I have learned so much from him. Things like "Teach people, not lessons", and "Be a human being, not just a Mormon". On Sunday he had us all go watch one of the films they were showing here at the MTC. In fact, I think this is the only place you can watch it. It's a talk by David A. Bednar. He came to the MTC years ago and gave a devotional titled Character of Christ. It seriously changed my perspective on my entire life. It was amazing. I don't know if you can find it online but I would highly recommend that all of you read it.

Now it's time for not so serious stuff! So it's really weird but the first night when we introduced ourselves I heard someone say, "Elder Leavitt from southern Nevada". Hahaha! He is in my zone so I don't see him like ALL the time but a lot of the time. I have seen Kannon a few times which has been great except for the fact that we can't hug each other. Oh well. There is an elder in my zone that has total Napoleon Dynamite glasses and voice. I thought he was just doing that to be cool or hipster or whatever but then I got to know him and that's actually just how he is. It's great! Except he doesn't get any of my ND that's a definite drawback. When I got here, my zone leaders (who had been here for a week already) were getting ready to leave (which they did this Tuesday morning) to the Montana Billings mission! They were hilarious and I gave them a sticky note that spelled out the Absarokee Branch and told them that if they every go there or Columbus, that's where I'm from. So watch out! One of them is super crazy. Like he reminds of the little squirrel chipmunk thing on Hoodwinked. He seriously never shuts up. I found out on Monday from pretty much everyone in the zone that all week he had been telling them that he and I are going to get married someday. I was like, "uuuuuuuuhhhhhh, what?" I had no idea any of THAT was happening. Gross. Anyway, I guess he told some people that his Patriarchal blessing says something about how his future wife will be from his mission. Apparently from the first day he saw me and knew where I was from, "he just knew". All I could think was, "Oh my gads!". It threw me off a lot but he's gone now so I don't have to worry about it anymore. WHEW! 

From the second day I was here, my companion and I were made Sister Training Leaders. Since new missionaries come every Wednesday, we got new ones yesterday and we are now their leaders! We got to show them around and act like we know everything even though we've only been here for a week. It was pretty cool. But now the new zone leaders (who were in my district and are super cool elders) keep telling me that now I have to watch out for some of the new elders that came in yesterday! AHHHHH! I'm just trying to focus! During our training with the newbies last night, one of our zone leaders said, "Yeah, we're just telling you this because we wish our zone leaders had taught us this. All they ever did was talk and flirt with Sister Solomon." And then EVERYONE just stared at me. I was like, uh thanks.....whatever. I'm not hung up on anything. I love everyone in my zone and district and get along with them really well. I'm doing well with obedience and I'm trying to be a good example to the new missionaries. Also, I think I'm the only sister in my zone who has not had like a nervous breakdown yet! There has been so much crying and stuff all week. Some of the elders told me the other day, "Yeah, I think you're the only one we haven't seen crying yet or freaking out. Good job, Sister Solomon. You're tough." I was like, YES! I AM THE STRONG ONE! 

Today we went to the temple and I did Initiatory. I just wanted to mention it because I did a name that was a girl who was born in New Jersey in 1776. It was so cool! Also, one of the ladies who helped me in there had a name tag that said "Jill Jenkins". Haha that was awesome. I just wanted to give her a hug but I didn't because I didn't want to freak her out. Also, Aunt Jill, I ran into an Elder Sargent from St. George! I mentioned something about CJ-Uhhhhhhh and he just started laughing so hard. He says he loves Chase and Parker so we swapped some crazy stories. He told me something about Chase stapling things to his bare chest once and I was thinking, "why doesn't that surprise me?" 

My feet hurt all the time and I'm definitely not getting enough sleep but I'm happy. I've heard that you have to be super careful at the cafeteria here because it's just like a smaller Cannon Center and I was like, I am NOT putting on that much weight again! So I have been strictly sticking to the salad, wraps, and fruit bar. I'm running and playing volleyball every day during gym time too! I feel full all the time but Mom, the blue and white striped skirt you sent me doesn't fit anymore! I wore it yesterday and I had to go back to my room and change because It kept sliding down my hips, it was so loose! I'm sad the skirt is too big for me to wear but I'm also really happy that I'm doing well with eating and working out.

Anyway, I have a lot of pictures to send but I left my camera cord back in my room so I will have to come back and email again later today...oops.... #sorrynotsorry. I love it here and am just learning so much. I feel like a completely different person from the one I was just a week ago when Dad dropped me off. I can't wait to get out into the field next Tuesday but I am also sad to be leaving the MTC and all of the wonderful friends I have made here.

I love and miss all of you!!!!

Temple trip with my district

Sis. Berkgren, Sis. Coley, Elder Paxton, Me, Elder Carter, Sis. Young
Our lists of go words and no go words in the classroom.....we get bored a lot

Friday, July 17, 2015

Reenacting the Dan Jones painting, the greatest missionary of our dispensation.

​Got our flight plans today!
Brothers and Sisters,

COMO ESTAAAAAAAAN? First of all, sorry that I didn´t send an email last week, extremely busy P-day. We watched the broadcast for President Packers Funeral. It´s really sad seeing two Apostles of God leaving the Earth so closely. But the funeral service was really good, and it strengthened my testimony of the plan of salvation tremendously. There´s a quote that Dallin H. Oaks said when he talked at the funeral, this is probably extremely inaccurate, and I don´t have my notes with me, so I´ll try and remember the best that I can. He said, "Death is just a horizon that limits our view of the world beyond". We are all so very blessed to have this knowledge of the Plan of Salvation in our lives, and I'm extremely grateful that I have the oppurtunity to share it with others. President Monson also said that whenever President Packer would give his testimony, he couldn't do it without expressing his love for his wife. I know I'm on a mission right now so this is kinda bad, but.. GOALS.

Now, on a little more happy note... I LEAVE IN 10 DAYS. Oh my goodness I am so excited. Espescially after the other day. Every one in our zone had the oppurtunity to talk to a member, through skype, in their mission. That was such a cool experience! Even better, I understood about 85% of what she was saying. SO PUMPED. I still have a lot of work to do, but it made me feel so good that I was able to understand that much from a native speaker. I can not wait to get to Argentina! We are supposed to get our flight plans today as well. Entonces our district is going to be freaking out a little bit today. SO. PUMPED. 

Also, I've seen so many people from home over the past two weeks! Let me see.. Elder Wade Leavitt, Elder Zach Hymas, Elder Austin Leavitt, Elder KC Evans, Sister Waite, Sister Schofield, Sister Solomon, Elder Salsbury, there's probably more! It's so good to see familiar faces here, I'll be sure to attatch some pictures. 

I'm pretty sure I have the best zone ever, not gonna lie. There is so much pranking going on, it's insane. The other night we got back to our room, aaaaaaaand our beds were gone. And of course it was only the Zone leaders beds.. (not sure if I told you all but my companion and I are zone leaders hahahaha). Then last P-day, Elder Smith pennied us in our room so we couldn't get out. He chose the worst day to do that. Since it was P-day, we had nothing to get to that morning. I woke up, turned the knob once, couldn't get out, shrugged my shoulders, then went right back to bed and slept for another hour. He was so mad, and we were dying! Also, one of the districts literally has a food storage because they get like 3 packages a day, so Elder Coulter stole one of their keys and is planning on stealing all of it sometime soon.. O_O The zone will be eating good for the next few days.

Well I'm running out of time.. Thank you all for everything that you've done for me, and for the support you have given me while I've been here. I'm so incredibly grateful to be here, I know this is where I need to be. Next week will be my last P-day here tambien. And after that I'll be emailing y'all from ARGENTINA. Tengo mucho amor para todos de ustedes! 
​The awesome moment when you get your bed stolen and youre just chillin on the support wires.

​Someone brought a banana into class, and we arent supposed to have food, so my teacher wrote "Repent!" on it. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Sister Solomon enters MTC

July 14, 2015:  Tomorrow, I will be leaving on my mission to Phoenix, Arizona! I will still be on Facebook, but will not be able to send personal messages through it. If you would like to stay in touch with me, please email me at If you would like to send me letters, that's even better! Email me and I will let you know my address 
smile emoticon

I love you all and will see you in 2017!

Going to miss this girl for the next 18 months, but she is going to be a great missionary! Love you S.A.S.S (Sister Alex Suzanne Solomon)

Such a "special" young woman!

Just dropped off my girl at the Provo MTC!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Elder Evans & Sister Solomon
Handshakes ONLY... even for cousins!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Tropic Reservoir Home Run Derby

Who REALLY won the home run derby at Tropic this year???

Chandler's 10th Birthday

Chandler wanted to go to IHOP for dinner
He took his brothers and a friend to the movies
He got an electric guitar for his present
He has been rocking' out ever since.  
He is so talented.
Happy Birthday Chandler!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Dear People,
How are you all?! Good? Good! 
Not gonna lie. Nothing has really happened haha. It's pretty much the same process every day. Wake up, eat, spanish, eat, spanish, eat, studying/spanish, sleep. Every day. It gets repetitive here, but I am still so incredibly grateful to be here to serve the Lord and invite others to come unto Christ. 
The language is coming really well! Now that I'm able to actually carry on a conversation, it gets harder and harder to be here because I just want to be in Argentina so badly! Almost half way there though :) I love the people of Argentina so much, and I haven't even met them yet. 
Oh yeah! There was one thing that is kind of exciting. So last Sunday, I had been in the MTC for about a week and a half, but one of the districts in our zone was heading out into the field. That just happened to be the district that our zone leaders were in. Yup, my companion and I got called to be zone leaders. We've been missionaries for a week and a half. But of course we accepted it! I'm in charge of three districts as of now, but we are going to be getting a new district next week, and the week after that. So by then I'll be watching over about, more or less 60 people. I love it. I'm really excited to practice my leadership skills and get to know everyone in our zone :)
We got a new district this last week. About half of them are going to Argentina. We all went and played soccer as a zone during gym time. Yeah I had no idea one of them was a state champion soccer player. We got destroyed. It was still a lot of fun though! We also have zone prayer every night, and we are a hugging district. So after the prayer when we were giving hugs, they had no idea what was going on! They were all so awkward! Little do they know that we do this every day haha. But hopefully they get comfortable with us, and I can't wait to get to know them. 
Well, sorry my email is so short this week. I'll try my hardest to have more experiences to share next week! Love you all!

Elder Evans

We watched this as a district the other day. It shook my soul, and I invite all of you to watch it: