Saturday, May 30, 2015

Oreo Choco Peanut Layer Yayer

Kyle's sweet wife Stephanie made this for mother's day when we all got together and it was a HUGE hit!
Click on the page to make it bigger.
In the future, you can retrieve this recipe by clicking on the "RECIPES" link at the top of the blog and then on "DESSERTS".

Friday, May 29, 2015

So proud of Evan!

By Vicki Conger: 
Last night at the middle school advancement ceremony, Evan received several awards including the President's Gold Award for Educational Excellence, straight A's for all 3 years of middle school, Excellence in Science and also the general advancement certificate. This boy has the brains and the motivation to be anything he wants to be! We are so proud of him!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ring of Fire

School Talent Show
Chandler Evans - Ring of Fire

Life's a Happy Song

School Talent Show
Rylan & Brooklyn - Life's a Happy Song
(press the PLAY button below to watch video)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Lewis receives doctorate from Yale...

Lewis graduated from pre-school! Now on to Kindergarten. Yippee!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Kyle turns 25!

By Debbie & Randy:
Happy Birthday to our oldest son Kyle who is a quarter of a century old today!!! We love you so much and are so proud of how hard you are working in the medical field. Love you forever!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Andre's West Point Graduation

Friday, May 22
Beginning of Parade with West Point Parachute Team

View of parade from Washington Hall

After the parade - very handsome!!

We had a tour of the grounds & facilities on Friday after the parade...
General George Washington

General George Patton
Hudson River in the background

Day before graduation, prior to the formal banquet:
Connor, Snick, Mom, Suzy, Andre, Milo, Alex, Georgia, Ned

Andre looking handsome in his India Whites

At the banquet on Friday night. Cool mess hall!!
Hat Toss at end of graduation on Saturday, May 23
Class of 2015 DISMISSED!!
Andre and his roommate Christian with diplomas in-hand!
Congratulations Andre!!

Lieutenant Andre L. Solomon
Commissioning at Trophy Point

Being commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army
by friend, LDS member & West Point Historian, Sherman L. Fleek.

Suzy & Milo pinning the stripes on Andre's uniform

It is a tradition in our Army that newly commissioned second lieutenants present a silver dollar to the first enlisted Soldier who salutes them. The coin symbolically acknowledges the receipt of respect due the new rank and position.

General Martin Dempsey, Address to 2015 West Point Graduation

2015 West Point Graduation: Oath, Army Song, Prayer, Hat Toss

Andre's Graduation Announcement

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

by Carissa Swarm
Happy Mothers Day to my amazing mother. I know I don't tell you enough how much I love and appreciate you! Thanks for all you've done for me. You have been such a great example in my life. 
And Happy Mother's Day to all the other moms out there. You do a great job too!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Denver's Eagle Project

Health Fair & Blood Drive
(Does anyone have pictures of the health fair or of Denver?)

Payson Temple Open House

Kevin & Cynthia took their family to the temple open house in Payson, Utah.  It looks beautiful!!