Sister Alex Solomon:
Wow, I have a lot of things to cover this week...well, since I didn't get to tell you all last week, I am officially a trainer now! President Griffin never called me last Tuesday though like he was supposed to! I got an email for all the trainers early Wednesday morning so we texted him asking what's up. President called about 2 hours before our meeting started and said, "Sister Solomon, didn't I call you and tell you you're training? No? Didn't I text you? Oh, well be at the meeting an hour early to meet your trainee." Soooo yeah. I got there and a bunch of elders at the door were like, YOU'RE training? Great. They sounded like they had a lot of confidence in me.
Anyway, my new companion's name is Sister Moss. She's from York, Pennsylvania and she JUST graduated high school. I feel really old. Even though, I'm only a year older than her. I was hoping I would get someone who was kind of a rock on the mission like me but that is not the case. We've been through multiple breakdowns this week and I'm kind of struggling here. She's not like crazy or anything, she's just stuck in that negative spiral that we all go through in the first 2-3 weeks in the field. I don't know how to get her out of it and help her though so I have been on my knees morning and night praying for guidance. Hopefully everything will turn out alright and no one around us will be affected.
I haven't done super well with healthy eating this week because it's now December and all our members feed us EVERYTHING but I've been working out harder and am back to running a 5k every day. I LOVE IT. Really though, there is such a huge difference in my day and eating habits when I don't work out. Now I just have to do better with my times. Currently I'm running it in about 26 minutes so I need to really start pushing it!
Anyway, I'm really glad that I didn't get transferred because now I can stay with all my lovely people and roommates here for Christmas. But I really do miss Sister Williams and I hope she's doing okay
because she's covering 3 huge wards now!
Thanks for writing me back, Connor! I'm glad it only took 1 month this time! I'll write you soon. And mom, I know I always ask you to send me things but I have one last request. As you know, President Griffin is from Billings and he REALLY loves cows. I was thinking it would be a great idea to get him and Sister Griffin some cute Montana things for Christmas. Would you keep your eyes peeled for me?
I was going to put in a spiritual message about the Christmas devotional yesterday but our wifi pooped out on us halfway through so I'm going to watch the rest of it today!
Our Christmas tree that someone randomly gave us last week..
I forgot some more of my update this week.
1. Clint and Nicole Yanko are still not talking to us.....
2. President gave us a nice shout-out the other day! I was sitting in the meeting with just the trainers and new missionaries and we hadn't been put together yet. President was talking about ward relations and he stared at me and said in front of everyone, "Sister Solomon has been in a very difficult area her whole mission where the ward leaders used to not even talk to her. What did you do about that, Sister Solomon?" So I had to stand up in front of everyone and I talked about how we just worked really hard and put in extra effort to physically work hard (Riding bikes EVERYWHERE) so that our ward members could see us working and going above and beyond by giving everyone in both of our wards a handwritten birthday card. Those are just a couple of examples. President then said, "That's right. She and Sister Williams worked hard. I have received emails from one of their bishops that say that these are the two hardest working sisters in this mission. Her trainee is going to have a good time!" HAHAHAHAHA isn't that crazy? My greenie told me she was scared when she was assigned to me!
3. I've decided that our tabloid name is "Solomoss".
4.We found a couple new investigators this week! My hopes are high!
5. Connor told me in his letter that he wants to serve a mission!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M DYING OF HAPPINESS. He really needs to go. It would be amazing for him. Also, if he's going to go, he needs to start saving NOW.
That's all I can think of for now.... :)
Oh yeah, we have a new mission office address if anyone wants to ever send things there. Mostly, you can just send stuff to my address but if people aren't sure about if i'm getting transferred or not, they can just send it there and it will get forwarded to me no matter where i'm at in the mission.
6833 West Bell Road
Glendale, AZ 85308