Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Rylan!

Rylan turned 7 yesterday.  He picked shrimp and hush puppies for his birthday dinner.  He also wanted a white cake with chocolate frosting.  On Friday at Grandma and Grandpa's house he also got ice cream sandwiches.  He was really excited to get a new bike and helmet for his birthday too.  

Rylan is a cutie and a good boy!  He is very responsible and takes good care of Meg.  He always does well in school.  His favorite specials are P.E. and Library.  We love him very much and can't believe he's seven already!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sugar Cookies

by Melissa Evans
"My friend made these for us and we all love them!".

Sugar Cookies
2/3 C Shortening (butter)
3/4 C Sugar
1/2 tsp Grated Orange Peel - Whole Orange (I used 1 Tsp Orange extract)
1/2 tsp Vanilla
1 Egg
4 tsp Milk
1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 Salt
2 C Flour

Thoroughly cream shortening, sugar, orange peel, and vanilla.  Add egg, beat till light and fluffy.  Stir in milk. Sift together dry ingredients. Blend into creamed mixture.  Divide dough in half.  Chill 1 hour.  Roll out on floured surface to 1/8 inch thick.  Cut shapes. Bake 375 about 6-8 min.  Cool before frosting.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rylan's Baseball

Rylan was sad when we missed the sign-ups for Little League (oops... wink, wink!)  But, the very next day his friend called because his Nevada Youth Sports team was short a player.  It was the morning of their first game and Rylan scrambled out the door to get there.  He stole the show!  A lot of the kids on his team were playing for the first time, and he had two seasons behind him.  The coach offered him a "signing package (tee-hee)" we couldn't pass up:  Rides to practice, and a free season!  (Since the kid whose spot he took broke his arm, he had already paid the money for the season even though he couldn't play)  I couldn't say no.  Ry started out as short stop but, since he snagged every ball that came to him and threw it hard, and accurate to the first baseman, who may or may not have been paying attention, the coach thought for everyone's safety, he should be moved to first base.  He played first for the rest of the season where he made some pretty impressive outs.  He also hit several home runs!  Go Rylan!

First baseman

Running to first

Chandler's Green Belt

Chandler has been really enjoying Taekwon Do and working very hard at it.  He is very focused in class and practices a lot at home.  He even holds little Taekwon Do "classes" for Rylan and Jared.  Last Wednesday he got up in front of his class and all of their parents and tested for his Green Stripe belt.  He did a great job.  Today he was given his green belt by his teacher Mr. Byers.

Off with the old yellow belt, and on with the new green one!

Chuck and I were laughing at how serious he looked.

Chuck and Chandler with his Green belt certificate.

We really need a high speed camera for this kid's fast kicks!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kessa's Birthday

October 15th
Happy Birthday Kessa!

Kessa got her braces off on October 6th

Kessa turned 11 on October 15th.
Kessa opening presents. She got a camera for her birthday and has
been snapping pictures and taking video ever since.

On Kessa's birthday she wanted creme brulee for her "cake," it was soooo yummy!!! Brad even pulled out his torch from the garage to burn the sugar on top!!! She thought it was so cool!! She had 4 of her best friends over for a party & the only thing we had planned was tacos and banana splits. They played and did what ever they wanted and I think it was one of the best parties ever! She is having a great year in 5th grade. AAAAAAAHHHHH! Crazy to think she will be in middle school next year!!! She loves school, loves to read and is so excited to be going to Sea Camp by Sea World in the Spring. She has projects to do throughout the year to be able to go and she can't wait! She is just starting volleyball through Parks and Rec. We are excited to watch her because she did such a great job last year! She is trying to decide whether to do cheer or volleyball because she loves them both. Amber commented at the cheer camp this summer as to how good she really is getting. She loves taking piano from Grandma, but I have to remind her all of the time to slow down. She loves to play everything 100 miles an hour!! She did get her braces off Oct. 6 - Wow! What a difference a year makes!!! She looks so grown up and is really becoming a beautiful young lady!!! Scary to think she will be in Young Women's next year! She loves to help in the kitchen and says brownies are her specialty! She is a big help to us and we love our Kessa baby so much!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Costumes

Kannon was tired from hunting, so he decided to be a couch potato for Halloween. He stayed home and passed out candy!

Kessa as a Candy corn Witch

Abbie as a vampire

Terra as a sailor girl

Jared as Woody, Rylan as a baseball player,
Meg as a Tennessee Cheerleader, Chandler as Harry Potter.

Wait a minute... Who's the real Woody?
Jared and Grant

Lyla is the cutest little Pooh I've ever seen!

Pumpkin Carving

Brad & Candi's Family Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin Carving in Las Vegas

Rylan and Jared getting the guts out!

Meg snuck her hands into the bowl of pumpkin guts and loved it!

Cameron helped Chandler carve the pumpkin he always wanted: triangle eyes, triangle nose, and a zig zag mouth.  

Deb's cute Charlie Brown cake.  My photo doesn't do it justice!

While Cameron lucked out... Randy got stuck carving Anakin Skywalker!  Sorry about your luck Randy!

Evan and Alisha hard at work!

Halle's pumpkin had a cute smiley face!

Ok, going left to right: bottom row (someone correct me if I'm wrong) Evan's, Chandler and Cameron's, Kobe's, Rylan's, Jared and Randy's, Denvers.  Middle Row: Alisha's, Wayne's 2006, Wayne's 2007, Wayne's 2009, Wayne's 2008, Kaden's, Halle and Cynthia's.  Top row: Wayne's 2005, Wayne's 2004, Wayne's 2010 

Fun Stuff!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meg's 5-Month Pic

What a little cutie pie!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Deer Hunt

by Brad Evans

Kannon shot his buck right before dark on Friday, Oct 29. We had just set up camp and decided to hunt an area close to camp because it was getting late. We did a little walk-about and spotted this buck feeding up a side-hill about 600 yards away. We stalked to within 300 yards and decided we couldn't get any closer without spooking the buck, so we set Kannon up for a shot. Luckily we had decided to pack the 300 Win Mag that night instead of Kannon's 243. With the bipod down and in the prone position, Kannon let one rip, and knocked the Big Buck down with one great shot. Way to go Kannon!!! We were both super excited. We ended up leaving the buck in the hills that night because it got dark on us, so we came back early the next morning and packed him out. Kannon's buck was a 27 inch 4x4.

I shot my buck in Utah three days before Kannon shot his, and only a short 8 miles between where the two bucks were shot. I was hunting with Steve Staheli, and we found this area that nobody had been in. We ended up finding quite a few deer, and I ended up glassing this buck up at 1:00 in the afternoon. He was chasing does, so I was able to stalk to within 200 yards of Him, and one shot later it was all over. My buck was a 29 inch 3x3. We were almost 2 miles from the nearest road so we had to pack him out. This is the biggest buck I have ever killed in Utah.