Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The TaeKwonDo Kid

Chandler has been taking Taekwondo (a Korean martial arts class) for the past six weeks every Monday and Wednesday. Last week he tested in front of his class to earn his yellow belt and it was presented to him by his teacher this week.
잘했다 "Jal haetda" (good job) Chandler!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Alisha!

by Vicki Conger

Alisha is six years old! We think she is one of the sweetest little girls in the whole world! On her birthday I told her she didn't have to do any chores, but we had someone wanting to come look at the house, so Alisha decided she would dust for me. She is also really good at helping me with Grant and Lewis, and she will hold or feed Lewis when I need an extra hand. She plays really well with others and will play with Grant for hours, but she especially loves playing with her friends & cousins. Alisha is really smart, she loves school and is really excited for 1st grade. She is also very talented and is very good at drawing and creating things (she can make anything out of paper, staples and tape). Her main obsession right now is SpongeBob, she could sit and watch SpongeBob all day long! She is such a cutie and we love our sweet Alisha Lee. We are so happy that we have at least one cute little girl in our family!

A couple photos of little Alisha submitted by her Grandma Evans:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

San Diego

Brad & Kevin took their families to San Diego at the end of July.
The following photos were taken from Tylee's facebook:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Carissa's trip to New York

Carissa got to take an awesome trip to New York in July with her friend Courtney. They were in Albany/Palmyra for four days and New York City for the other four. They got to see the Empire State Building, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, the Natural History Museum and even rode in a taxi for the first time!

The Sacred Grove

Moroni statue at the top of the Hill Cumorah

View from the top of the Hill Cumorah
looking down on where the pageant is performed

How does it end when the monkeys jump on the bed?

First time in the subway

Statue of Liberty

Bike taxi to Times Square

Times Square

New York City Temple

At the Museum of Natural History

Another bike taxi through Central Park

Central Park

View at night from the top of the Empire State Building

Pretty Girl

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kobe's Birthday

by Cynthia Evans

Kobe's 8th birthday was July 26th and his baptism was on August 7th.

Happy 8th Birthday Kobe!! Kobe said to me at the beginning of the year, "Mom this year we can't have my birthday camping. We need to have it at the church!" I asked why? He said "cause I am gettin’ baptized remember??" He is so cute and was so looking forward to his Baptism!

Kobe had Mr. Heishman this year for 2nd grade, he is a good student and likes school. He always does his homework without being asked and gets the Golden Rule Award.

Kobe is a good boy he usually gets along with everybody. He loves to play baseball - he and Kaden were on the same team this spring and had a blast playing together. I liked it too, much easier having them on the same schedule! Kobe was first batter in the line up, most of the time he got walked. One of the other coaches said to the ump, geez his Strike Zone is only the size of a dime. He played up to minors and is definitely a lot smaller than the rest of the kids. I think he came in home most every time, he is fast and likes to steal! I love watching them play. Good Season Kobe!!

Kobe has been counting the days ‘til his birthday and has been asking for a new bike. Candi had asked him what he wants for his birthday and he told her, well you could just get me an ipod. Of course she had to laugh! Kobe is always funny, he words things so cute and always has us crackin up!

Kobe with his new bike and his Best Friend Preston!

Kobe loves going to the mountain, camping and especially fishing. He caught the biggest fish every trip this summer. He is quite the little fisherman. Kobe is my game partner, he will play Settlers or Carcasseone, or Ticket to Ride anytime!

Kobe was very happy to have everybody here for his Baptism. It was a very special day and Kevin gave him a wonderful blessing along with the greatest gift... the gift of the Holy Ghost! Aunt Debbie gave a wonderful talk and Aunt Candi gave a special prayer. We feel very blessed to have such a sweet spirit that Kobe brings into our family. I asked what was the best part of his baptism day and he said "getting my sins washed away"... so sweet .

We love you so much Smalls!! We are very proud of your decision to get Baptized.

Love Mom and Dad

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Funeral for Jay Donnelly

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Cami, her sweet little daughter Jaycie and Vaughn & Dawn's entire family. We love you!

Jay's services will be on Monday, August 9, 2010 at Metcalf Mortuary on 288 West St. George Boulevard. The viewing will be at 9:30-10:30 and the funeral is at 11:00.

Happy 16thAnniversary

Kevin & Cynthia

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Working Vacation

Chuck & Snick were paid by friends in North Carolina to fly out and spend two weeks to help pack/clean/repair their home. We worked hard and were super busy, but also got to take a few strolls down memory lane and visit friends.

Our friend Don Driggs.
We stayed at his home and spent some
long work days helping him get his house ready to sell.

Wish I would have taken a "BEFORE" photo!!
This room (like all the others in their house) was full of stuff and
had to be cleaned, organized, packed, repaired and painted.

We took our friends Bonnie & Carl to Sims Country BBQ...
one of our favorite places to go on the weekends
when we lived in North Carolina.

Catfish pond at Sims

All-you-can-eat BBQ.... mmmm mmmmm good!

The Dollar Boys
Live Bluegrass Music

Having fun square dancing

Snick hooked up with the hottest clogger in the joint (hee hee!)

Priceless backwoods entertainment that you can't find anywhere
but in North Carolina off the beaten path.
Andy Griffith, HeeHaw and Deliverance all wrapped up into one!

Snick's best friend Donna. She and her husband Johnny
drove 2 1/2 hours from Columbia, SC just to see us - we felt so loved!
When we lived in NC Charlie and I spent MANY hours in this
upstairs loft watching movies (or in Snick's case sleeping) until 2am.

Chuck, Snick, Donna & Johnny after church

Lake Hickory

Downtown Hickory

Snick worked in one of these offices when we lived in NC

Our favorite place to watch movies in downtown Hickory,
the Carolina theater... $2 shows and the best popcorn on earth!

Squirrely out for a stroll

After-dinner-fun with friends from the ward

Our friends Mike and Sheree took us out for a fancy steak dinner
at Rock Barn Country Club. Goofing around afterwards....

Patching walls and a 14' ceiling.
It looked perfect after Chuck got done with it!

We visited the farmhouse where we used to live.
Ahhhhhh.... it's still sitting there empty :(

Thinking about our good 'ol NC days

Our back yard... so sad to say goodbye again!