Friday, April 30, 2010


Congratulations to Kannon & Kessa for their accomplishments at the Clark County Fair earlier this month. Kannon placed 7th in showmanship in his division (12-15 yrs) with "PIG" and Kessa placed 4th in showmanship in her division (9-11 yrs) with "EBONY". Both had buyers lined up before the fair but the auction brought a new buyer for Ebony who paid $1 per pound more than the original buyer was going to pay.

Kessa & Ebony


Great Job Kessa!

Kannon & Pig

Gimme a Kiss!


Some Boy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Melissa's Baby Shower

Lots of cute gifts for Baby Girl Evans

Yummy food!
Look at that cute little tummy!
Playing Baby Bingo and other games
Deb & Sissy

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Milo!

Milo enjoys taking all their summer guests on river raft runs. He is a good cook and loves being outdoors. He is an avid fly fisherman and loves his family very much. Hope you have a Happy Birthday.
~Love the Carlsons!

Spotlight by Suzy

Milo is a very hard worker and a great provider. He is enjoying his job with the railroad and is currently in Sheridan, WY filling a vacancy for a couple weeks. He has moved around quite a bit, but has learned a lot and has seen some beautiful country. He is currently enjoying driving a grapple truck and is hoping to bid a job soon as a track inspector. We always look forward to having him home on the weekends. He usually doesn't get around to the things he wants to get done cause there's always something going on with the kids.

Milo enjoys watching the kids play sports and supports them in all they do. In fact, he's usually the one encouraging them to try new things and think outside the box. He encouraged Alex to play golf this year and has started to get into it himself, so we got him some clubs for his birthday. He enjoys going over to the driving range with Alex and whacking balls.
The kids get their deep thinking and problem solving skills from Milo, and I'll usually find them all sitting around the kitchen table discussing some deep topic or learning something about history or politics. The kids have all developed a love of reading over the years and have learned that from Milo as well. We recently cancelled our Dish because everyone would read in their spare time instead of watching TV. Milo is always reading some huge book that is way over my head. He just finished a book on Stalin and one on Mao and is always teaching us what he learned.

Milo is very smart and has always been able to accomplish anything he sets his mind to (within the limits of being color blind). He is very supportive in all that we do and is a great dad! Happy Birthday Milo. We love you!

Click HERE to read the spotlight about Milo in the July 2005 newsletter (it starts on the first page). Click on each page individually to make them large enough to read.

Happy Birthday Shane!

Shane is such a great provider for our family. He has made sure that we've had everything we've needed over the years (and things we don't need). I guess I could say that I'm a little spoiled. If I mention something that I want to buy, he tells me to go and get it. I'm happy that he likes his job and I'm proud of how well he is doing there.

Shane has been such a wonderful husband and father. He is always trying to make us happy. He is always on the floor or running through the house, playing games with the kids. He's definitely a kid at heart. One of his main goals in life is to make people laugh. He is very funny and is NEVER serious (even in primary or FHE). Unfortunately, there are people who don't understand his personality and don't realize he's always joking around.

Shane is a lot like his dad, he loves being outside and he loves his critters. He is not happy unless he has some sort of creature to take care of. He also loves camping and going for four-wheeler rides. He also enjoys taking care of his yard and garden.

Shane is usually pretty good about helping around the house. He's not afraid to change a diaper, feed the baby, give a bath, throw in a batch of laundry or help me with whatever I need!

Shane is also very smart. He's like Cliff Clavin and has stored up many useless facts. He loves history and luckily has passed that on to the kids. One of the things that attracted me to him was his vast knowledge of the gospel and scriptures. He also loves to read and almost always has some huge book that he's working on.

We love Shane very much and are so glad to have him as a husband and father!
~Vicki & kids

Shane is a very dedicated father and husband. When I watch him, I see how much he loves and appreciates his family. He can make a very sweet lizard face! He's a jokester and loves gardening and being outside in the yard and of course watching his Broncos play. Hope you have a Happy Happy!
~Love the Carlsons
(Photos by Melissa)
Vick & Shane
Mexican Riviera Cruise - October 2009

Chess with Chuck

Yellowstone - July 2009

Cute Conger Family!

River rafting in Montana - July 2009

Shane, I hope you had a great birthday! You have a weird sense of humor and you and Vick are fun to play games with. I admire that you're such a great provider for your family and very protective of them. Your garden makes me green with envy. You also do great Mexican and Scottish accents!
~Love, Snick

Shane is a great family man! He is so good to Vicki and the kids and is always teaching the kids something. I am jealous of his gardening skills and his great Scottish accent (sorry Snick! I was thinking the same thing) and his willingness to be involved in dumb family movies with his, also great, Mexican accent! Shane appreciates old fashioned family values and I admire him actively fulfilling his role as the patriarch of his family and as a husband and father. He is a great example. Happy Birthday Shane! We miss you guys and really enjoyed having you up here last summer.


Click HERE to read the spotlight about Shane in the November 2004 family newsletter. Go to the second page and click on it to make it large enough to read.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Evan!

by Vicki Conger

Evan is such a special boy. He is very smart and does very well in school. His teachers always comment on how much they enjoy having him in their classes. This year he was put into the GATE (gifted and talented education) program and has enjoyed learning there. He really had fun making his own camera and developing the pictures he took.

Evan also has such a fun personality, he is very funny and goofy. One thing I love about Evan is that he is very tidy. I can count on him to put things away! He is very responsible too. He has been in charge of collecting the eggs and feeding the chickens and does a pretty good job. He also gets his homework done without me having to bug him (although, I do have to remind him to practice his piano). When it comes to piano, he is doing very well and I love listening to him play. Evan is a perfectionist, which can be good or bad. He is so much of a perfectionist that he thinks that he should play every song perfectly, without having to practice, and therefore gets frustrated when he messes up.

For the most part, Evan has been pretty easy to raise. He can sit and play by himself for hours and usually gets along with others. He is also a home body. He likes to play with friends, but sometimes would prefer to stay home and color or play with blocks. Evan is also very creative and has a wonderful imagination. We love you Evan and are so proud of you!

~Love, Mom and Dad

click here to read about Evan's birthday festivities!

The following photos were sent by Grandma Evans:

Evan at last year's May Day Dance.

Evan and cousins at Yellowstone last July.

Evan the Alien using the Photo Booth on Grandma's computer.

Click HERE to read the spotlight about Evan in the March 2004 family newsletter. Go to the second page and click on it to make it large enough to read.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!! You are the best mom ever. You have always done so much for me. I've always appreciated you, but appreciate you even more after having Lyla. Lyla loves coming to your house each week when I work. All the grandkids love you so much because you always have fun stuff for them to do. I hope you know just how much we all love you. I hope I can be to Lyla, what you are to me. Love you so much mommy.

~Natalie, Lance, and Lyla

We hope you had a wonderful Birthday!!! We love you so much and are so grateful that we live close to you! The kids love having piano lessons (even when they haven't practiced like they should!) and just being at Grandma's house. We truly admire you and all of the wonderful talents you have. You are a blessing to all of us and none of us would be who we are if it wasn't for you, your example and your unending love. We love you with all of our hearts.

~Brad, Candi & Kids

Mom is very dedicated to her family. I can't even imagine what it must be like to worry about 8 kids! I am so grateful for her classy example. She was never one of those women who gossiped and was into everybody else's business. She has a strong testimony and serves in the church faithfully. She is extremely smart and talented too. A lot of people tell me I look like my mother, and I find that to be a great compliment. We hope you have a Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

~Love, Debbie

Mexican Riviera Cruise - October 2009

Mom, you might want to trim that beard a little!

Happy Birthday Mom. You have so many good qualities I don't know where to start. You are such a good person and wonderful mother and grandmother. I cant think of anything I would change. You are awesome and we love you so much. Hope you have a happy birthday and many more to come. We are so excited to be moving out there in the near future and being close to you.

~Love, Kevin Cynth and kids

Kevin's Rookie School Graduation

Grandma C. with mom & baby Halle

Such a fun grandma!

There is so much to say about Mom and so many things that she is good at. Mom is a wonderful cook, seamstress, gardener, musician, & computer whiz. Mom has always been a good cook and I especially love her baking. Some of my favorites are her homemade bread, rolls, spudnuts, and date cake. Mom is very good at sewing and I appreciate all the quilts, blankets, pillowcases (and bermuda shorts) that she has made for me throughout the years. Mom always has a nice garden and beautiful flowers surrounding her house and I've gotten many tips from her about gardens and roses. We all know how great Mom is at playing the piano and I've always loved listening to her play. Mom is a Mac expert and whenever I have computer problems she is the first person I call. She usually has the answer, and if she doesn't she spends hours researching it until she does. Mom loves her grandkids and is always willing to watch them or play toys with them. We had a great time with her when she agreed to spend two weeks with us in Tennessee and North Carolina to help us with the kids. I love you Mom and hope you have a happy birthday.

I love my grandma so much! She has been such a great example to me all my life. She has a wonderful testimony of the gospel and with her influence it made it much easier to choose to serve a full time mission. I love the Gospel and am thankful for the many blessings it gives us as families. I know that we can all be together someday and thanks to your testimony your many descendants have been blessed.

~Peace n Love, Elder Carlson

We definitely have the best mom ever! She is always so helpful and willing to serve her children. I love living near her and being able to take the kids over all the time. The kids love going over there and enjoy being with her. I don't think I could have made it through the last year without her. There were days I had to go to town to an appointment and I was racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with the kids, when out of the blue she would call up and tell me to bring the kids over. It seems she always senses when I need help and then she steps in a does it. One thing that always amazes me about her is how much she gets done in one day. She always has things to do and places to go, yet still finds time to spend with her family. She is also very talented and I hope someday I will be able to be as talented as she is. We love you mom! Thanks for everything you do for us!


I usually have very high expectations of myself trying to follow in mom's footsteps and feel I fall short when I can't do everything that mom used to do. She was a great example all around! I don't know how she raised eight kids, kept a clean house, cooked and baked, gave us fun things to do, sewed clothes and costumes, kept things organized, wallpapered, embroidered, canned, gave piano lessons, went to everyone's events, exercised, gardened, ironed while listening to Saturday conference, held church callings, attended and graduated from college, worked later on, and put up with Dad, all with a positive attitude! Wow!!! (I think listening to John Denver helped).

Mom, thank you for your great example and for your loving support through the years. You are like sunshine on my shoulders that makes me happy. I love you very much and miss you lots!


I would just like to say "Ditto" to everything that has already been said. Mom is awesome, talented, sweet, smart, etc. I don't know how she does it all. Even now that she is retired from teaching school she's busier than ever serving in the temple and the family history center, teaching piano lessons, gardening, sewing, and making cute cards on the new Cricut machine dad gave her for Christmas. Mom likes to play games and is very competitive (is that who Wayne & Vicki get it from?). Mom used to come into my room at bedtime and scratch my back so I guess I must have been her favorite... how could she have made the rounds and given everyone else special treatment like that? I have fond memories of mom coming to visit twice while Chuck and I lived in North Carolina. We did fun stuff like picking strawberries, making homemade ice cream, going to a butterfly exhibit, a botanical garden and the Biltmore Estate. Here's a few pictures to remind you of our fun times together there. I love you Mom! Hope you had a great birthday.

~Love, Julie

CLICK HERE to view Snick's scrapbook pages of mom's birthday party in 1999

Monday, April 12, 2010

Baby Shower

Baby Shower for Melissa

Saturday, April 24th

Open House style 2:30 - 4:00 pm

At Melissa's House

Hey everyone! Just letting you know about the baby shower being planned for Melissa. She originally told me she absolutely didn't want a shower but her friend Christina talked her into it. Invitations should be coming in the mail, but I wanted you to know the details as soon as possible. I also told Christina that we would be willing to help, so let me know what you would like to do. She asked for:

Chips & Salsa

Veggies & Dip


Also, if any of you have decorations for a girl baby shower, let Christina know. Please come early (1:30ish) if you are able to help decorate and set up.

FYI: The baby's room will be decorated in a classic Pooh theme.

Questions??? Contact Christina at 839-9425 or

Monday, April 5, 2010

News from the Mission Field

My Conference/Easter weekend was pretty awesome, as I hope yours was. Here's a little bit about it... My companion and I biked up to the stake center on Saturday morning to watch the 1st session of General Conference with investigators and other missionaries . I went and put in 2 cakes in the oven that I had prepared as a special promise to one of our investigators. Well immediately after conference was over the rush began because we had a baptism to do! It was so exciting and I was/am so happy for Mary Junge. She asked me to baptize her so thus it made it even that much better for me. Everything went smoothly and my companion and I even sang a song "When I am baptized". It was great and she bore her testimony at the end which really finished it off great. Then we watched the 2nd session of General Conference in the nursery with just us and the Junges because the kids were getting restless. All the messages were so good. We went out and ate dinner after that with the Junges and I had some good calamari. We went back to watch the Priesthood session, which of course was awesome and very inspired. Then we had an opportunity to give a blessing to one of the members in our ward which made me feel great.

On Easter Sunday we biked up to the Stake center again and watched the music and the spoken word before the Sunday morning session and then enjoyed that 3rd session with the Hernandez family. Afterward lunch was provided for the missionaries by a nice member in the Katy stake and it was pretty good barbecue. We biked to the Hernandez home in between sessions so we could watch the last session there. Once again, General Conference just flew by so fast. All the messages were so amazing and I hope everyone has an opportunity to go over them on the new webside. so you can watch all past sessions like they're live. We had our Easter dinner with the Hernandezs (that's probably not hot to say it, oh well) and had a ton of fun. We made cookies, and some really really good angus burgers.

Not a lot said but a lot is going on here with me in my mission. I love the life and love the Lord. Thanks for all your love and encouragement. I keep you in my prayers.

Peace n Love,
Elder Kyle Carlson

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Brown Sugar Shortbread

Mom made these delicious cookies with maple & pecans the day before Easter. Apparently she got the recipe from a Martha Stewart magazine and has made them before, but they were new to me... I went "NUTS" over them! Here's a copy of the recipe mom wrote out for me:

Easter Weekend

Friday, April 2nd. We met at Brad's house for hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, deviled eggs, baked beans, whippy tappy, etc. So yummy!

Terra & Halle

Uncle Chuck with sweet little baby Lewis

Lyla is getting so big! When I pointed the camera at her she squinted because she knew the flash was going to go off.... so cute.

Outdoor movie in Brad's back yard... Indiana Jones.
We bundled up because it was chilly and a little breezy.

Mom looks nice and toasty.

Watching the movie from the trampoline

Easter Day - Wayne, Melissa & kids just got in from SLC and stopped by mom's to visit and to see baby Lewis.
Jared was a big helper and insisted on feeding Lewis by himself.