Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bon Voyage!

Hope all you fellow cruisers are ready and excited to hit the beautiful blue waters of the Pacific and head down to the Mexican Riviera aboard the Norwegian Star (where you're free to... whatever!!)

We are taking three vehicles to Los Angeles and we will split the cost for gas as well as parking which is $84 per vehicle for the week. Those of you in Logandale will be riding with Brad & Candi and should check with them for departure time. The rest of us in Las Vegas are meeting at Kevin's house on Saturday at 5:15 am.


Kyle needs mail!!!

Kyle has been in the MTC now for 2 weeks and would love to hear from everyone at home. You don't have to hand-write a letter or buy a stamp... all you have to do is follow these directions to mail a letter online:

Click Here for free delivery while Kyle is in the MTC. A box should come up that looks like an envelope with a spot for your name and address and a spot for Kyle's information:

MTC Box #129
Mission Code: TX-HOU
Estimated MTC Departure Date: Oct 7th.

Now just enter your email address in the box provided and then write your letter in the box. When your letter is finished, just click on the button that says "Send Letter". You will receive an email confirmation.

If the link doesn't work, go to and click the link labeled "Provo MTC (Free)" on the left side of the page. Letters must be submitted by 12:00 pm Noon MST (Mon-Fri) for same-day delivery.

He will receive this as a printed letter (not email). This is fast and easy. Please show Kyle your love and support by sending a letter this week while he's still in the MTC!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Elder Carlson - MTC

Kyle's address while at the MTC until October 7th:
Kyle David Carlson
MTC Mailbox # 129
TX-HOU 1007
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Last-minute mission shopping in Provo
the day before reporting to the MTC

We picked up Carissa at BYU and went to dinner at Brick Oven Pizza

Provo Temple

Wednesday, September 16th
Getting ready to say goodbye to mom & dad

We got to the MTC early, so were able to park and say goodbye before Kyle went to the curbside drop-off where no pictures are allowed

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grandma & the gun: The true story!

Dear Julie,
You need to put in the Blog the true story of me sitting on the couch, and shooting Kyle's 22 gun. That morning Steve, Kyle and Crea moved all of my STUFF out of the living room and dining room, as I was getting the carpets cleaned when they got the couches outside Steve said we need to get that old Computer of mine out here and let grandma shoot the hard drive, as it has got some important information on it we don't want any one else to have. Then he said I have got to go get my camera, all the while Kyle and Crea were having a hoot. They had me sit on the couch, Crea gave me his Mountain Dew and Kyle gave me the gun and said you have got to do it. I used the cane to hold the gun steady so I could get the cross hairs right on the hard drive. I done it once then Kyle said repeat it twice more one right after the other, and Steve was shooting the pictures. That is the true story. And about the squirrells, Crea couldn't get a deer with his powder gun hunt so they went Squirrell hunting. I was happy.
Grandma Katherine Christensen

Saying goodbye to Kyle

Sunday, September 13, 2009

These are just a few of the many people who came to the Carlson home
to wish Kyle farewell... mingling and eating

Pretty girls... way to squeeze in there, Kannon!

Tami and Mike Melancon

Randy and his friend Scott
Cooking up some burgers and hot dogs for a hungry crowd

Handsome brothers, Kyle and Cameron

Natalie, Lance and Lyla with Kyle

Brad & Candi's family with Kyle

Grandma and Grandpa Evans saying goodbye

Kyle with Kevin & Cynthia's family

Wayne, Melissa and boys

Kyle with Vicki and kids (Shane had to work)

Kyle with Chuck and Snick

Proud parents, Debbie and Randy

Update on Kevin

Taken from Cynthia's facebook:
"Back from another quick trip to UCLA, all is well! No changes for Kevin, checkup in 2 months! We are very humbled every visit:) COUNT your blessings!!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mayflower Day

Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor 
by William Halsall (1882)
Mayflower Day celebrates the date the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth, England to America. On September 16, 1620 (389 years ago) 102 men, women and children set sail from Plymouth, England.  Their destination was the New World, where they could have religious freedom and continue using their native language, culture and customs.

Our ancestors William Bradford and William Brewster  were amongst the passengers on the Mayflower (click on their names above for pictures and other information about each of them).  We are related to them on dad's line:  Gary Evans - Sam Evans - Myra Mayall Henrie - Samuel Henrie - Rhoana Hatch - Wealtha Bradford - Simeon Bradford - Waite Bradford - Ephriam Bradford & Elizabeth Brewster.  Epriam Bradford - William Bradford - William Bradford of the Mayflower & Elizabeth Brewster - Wrestling Brewster - Love Brewster (on the Mayflower, too) - William Brewster of the Mayflower.

Thanks for the information, Mom!

Click Here for Mayflower History
Click Here for information about the Mayflower on Wikipedia

Farewell, Kyle!

Great job on the mission farewell, Kyle! See you in two years. Hopefully the withdrawals won't be too severe...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

September upcoming events:

Sent to me by mom (oops, I posted it a little late!)
Sep 4 Suzy's birthday
Sep 5-7 Evans Reunion at Hatch. Main dinner will be on early afternoon on Saturday. Maybe those that are camping in other places could make it to the dinner. People usually bring a potluck salad or dessert to go with the meal.
Sep 7 - Labor Day
Sep 9 - Tylee's Birthday
Sep 10 - Sewing Machine Day
Sep 13 - Kyle's Mission Farewell
Sep 14 - National Cream-Filled Donut Day
Sep 16 - Mayflower Day celebrates the date the Mayflower sailed, with ancestors William Bradford and William Brewster, from Plymouth, England to America. The voyage took 66 days and they landed at Plymouth Rock on Dec 21, 1620. For more information, see Mayflower History
Sep 17 - Constitution Day
Sep 28 - National Good Neighbor Day

Gun-Totin' Squirrel-Killin' Granny!

These pictures are so funny... I just had to put them on our blog for future generations. I stole them off Ashley & Tiffany's blogs (thanks girls, for the good laugh!)

Ashley Christensen: We have one amazing grandma here in Newcastle. She was having her carpets cleaned yesterday so the guys moved her couches outside. They thought it would be funny to stage this picture! Notice the Mt Dew and the gun resting on her cane!! She is such a good sport.

Tiffany Christensen: Grandma Katherine called Kyle the other day and said she could hear things under her house. So Kyle and Crea discovered that it was squirrels. So they have been trapping them and today they drowned out 10 from a pipe. EEWW! I don't like those little rodents, and Grandma was even happier they are no longer under her house! Kyle and Crea are quite the squirrel hunters. And you don't even need a permit! HaHa. They were pretty proud of their string of squirrels.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Tylee!

SWEET 13 on 9/9/09

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Suzy!


Suzy is such a sweet, silly, fun, wonderful sister!  I missed getting to visit her this summer when everyone else went, so I'm excited to get to fly to Montana to visit in October.  Suzy loves living in Columbus, Montana with Milo and the kids.  She works there as a 911 dispatcher and administrative assistant for the Stillwater County Sheriff's Office.  She is great at her job and great at so many other things, too.  She is the Relief Society President in her branch there and I know she is such a blessing to her branch and the sisters she serves there.  Suzy is talented at so many things... music, singing, sewing, dancing and anything crafty or creative.   She is such a good mom and a fun little hostess when she has visitors (that's me... next month!).

I love you, Doc!  Hope you have a wonderful birthday.  


Happy, happy Doc!!  Docy is a very fun person to be around!!  Every time I see Abbie do one of her wild & crazy dances (which is quite often!)  I think of the video of Suz when she is dancing around in the cut-off pjs! Priceless!!   Suzy is a very hard working, compassionate person and a peacemaker.  You are doing a fabulous job raising your family, which ,wow, I can't believe they are all growing up so fast!!  We miss you lots and hope to see you soon!  The kids mention quite often that it has been a long time since we have seen you!!  Hope your day is a fabulous one!  

     ~Love, Brad and Candi & Family

Suzy is fun!  She is fun to be around and she makes me happy!  She is very easy going and I think she probably gets along with just about everyone.  I don't think there is anyone out there that doesn't like her!  She is good at sewing, singing, dancing, scrapbooking and many other crafty things.  But one of my favorite things about her is her creativity. I love how she can come up with things just off the top of her head, especially songs.  In fact, one of my favorite memories of her is when Alisha was being potty trained and Suzy would call pretending to be Ariel. She would talk and sing to Alisha (in Ariel's voice) and encourage her to use the potty.  Good times!!  Suzy is also very beautiful and she always looks good. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she is beautiful on the inside (cheesy, I know!  but it's true!).  She is always willing to serve and help others.  When she lived in Logandale, she was always there for me and would help me with anything I needed.  It seemed like we always saw each other and I miss that very much.  She is a good listener, very supportive and understanding, and a good friend.  We love you Suz!


Suzy is my girl that can be especially silly and crazy or on the other hand can be serious and responsible.  I have been transferring some audio tapes of years past into the computer and at times I am laughing my head off and just shaking my head.  She is the dancing and singing queen and quite the actress.  I just transferred the tape of her singing Christmas songs under the table when we lived in the trailer and she was 5 years old.  She knows the tunes to a lot of songs and if she can't remember the words, she just makes some up as she is singing. At the present time, she is working for the sheriff's office as a dispatcher and is Relief Society president, and of course a wife and mom.  Hopefully, she gets a little crazy once in a while to relieve some of the stress.  I love you, Suzy and hope you have a Happy Birthday.  


*CLICK HERE to read the spotlight written about Suzy in the Sept. 2006 newsletter.  Go to the 2nd page and click on it to make it bigger.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kyle's Mission Farewell

The following information was taken from Kyle's facebook:

Sunday, September 13, 2009
11:00am - 3:00pm
New Forest Chapel then my house


I will be giving my farewell speech to go on my Mission Sunday the 13th at the New Forest Chapel at 11am. I have been called to serve in the Texas Houston Mission, english speaking. I will be giving a talk in church and then have a luncheon at my house to say goodbye to everyone, and anyone can come! The building is off Rainbow and Spring Valley South (which is just north of Tropicana) on the west side and it intersects at New Forest. It will be over about 12:15 and then we will migrate to my house for a luncheon. Our new place is just off the 215 and Sunset (Southern Hills Hospital). our address is 6778 Gold Yarrow or you can just call for directions 374-3635
I'd love to see you all there!!