Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Castle News

I e-mailed Grandma earlier in the week asking if there was any exciting news to share. I got the following information from Grandma & Aunt Linda yesterday:

Cheri and Justin had their little boy last night by C-Section. Deb left yesterday morning at 8:30 A.M. and got there (Sacramento, CA) at 6:30 P.M. Cheri had contractions throughout the night Thursday and was at the hospital when Deb got there. Deb went straight to their home where Avery was being tended by a neighbor. Brighton (I don't know if this is the way it is spelled) was in distress so they took him by C-section.

Jim, Ryan, Crea and Jessica spent time with the YW/YM Trek. Bishop Shill is co owner with the RCA which works with troubled youth. They packed 4 handcarts out at his base camp and they were traveling 4 miles/day. Activities included a raid party by a mob (they confiscated all the goodies), a mail delivery by the Pony Express, a delivery of buffalo jerky by a couple who raise buffalo. The men and boys were called to go on with the Mormon Battalion leaving the YW to push and pull a steep mountain. (Angels came to their assistance as was needed). The trek was ending today with a nice dinner, square dancing and a testimony meeting. Right now though it has been raining here and the mountains where they are are very black. I know some adults that will be glad not to sleep on the ground tonight!

By the way, we need your dad to make a trip up and sit in the cemetery shooting the D........chislers. He would need to stay for sometime though. Perhaps we could round up a revolving recliner for him.

Way to Go on the Harley Ride! You have a lot more nerve than Grandma or I. Grandma said, "You could ride her old bike while Chuck rides his Harley!”

I just spoke with Grandma on the phone a while ago. She mentioned that Steve, Deb, Kyle & Crea have been working on putting up a big new barn that she calls the "Million Dollar Barn".

Grandma also figured out that with the birth of Cheri's new baby she now has 64 great-grandchildren! With Natalie and Melanie both expecting this summer, it will soon be 66. That's quite a posterity! Thanks for the update, Grandma... we love you!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Charlie & Snick's Hike

After taking the Harley out to Red Rock yesterday morning, Charlie and I decided we wanted to go for a hike that afternoon. There's a cave out past Red Rock that is really fun to hike to and we went there a couple of years ago. We parked at the horse riding place and hiked a couple miles from there. The cave is up in the hills and hard to find if you don't know what you're looking for. We only went three levels down inside the cave because we only had one flashlight between the two of us. It would be fun to go explore it again with some headlights. Anyone interested???

Snick's Harley ride to Red Rock

Charlie has been bugging me for the longest time to take the Harley out to the Red Rock loop... and I've been too scared to do it. As most of you know, I got my motorcycle license last year in North Carolina, but I usually only ride around my neighborhood and away from all traffic where I feel "safe". Lately I've been venturing out a little more and finally decided this morning that I was ready! I told Charlie I would do it as long as he would follow me in the truck. The weather was beautiful and the curves weren't scary like I imagined. The traffic only goes one direction for 13 miles so you don't have to worry about oncoming traffic. There was a million bicyclists and runners out there this morning along with a couple of speedy crotch-rockets. I'm looking forward to going out again on a weekday when it's not so busy.


CHANDLER EVANS - by Marissa Moss

these Photos were taken by marissa on Monday, may 25, 2009 AND POSTED ON HER BLOG:

Chandler found a dandelion,
blew on it and made a wish.
He told me, if you can't blow all of them off, you can pull them off
and your wish will still come true. 
Such a cutie pie!

Chand Man!

I had so much fun with my nephew 
on Memorial Day!
He was so patient and such a good sport!!
Here are some of my favorites...

He loves to jump off chairs!

Thanks so much, Marissa, for sharing these precious pictures with our family!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

When I'm an old lady and live with my kids

This is a poem mom found and emailed out to everyone and I couldn't resist posting it on the family blog. That way when mom starts "getting up there" in 20 or 30 years we'll remember everything she has threatened us with. Be afraid... be very afraid!

"I hope you will all look forward to this. Love you, Mom"

When I'm an old lady, I'll live with each kid,

And bring so much happiness...just as they did.

I want to pay back all the joy they've provided.

Returning each deed! Oh, they'll be so excited!

(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

I'll write on the wall with reds, whites and blues,

And I'll bounce on the furniture...wearing my shoes.

I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out.

I'll stuff all the toilets and oh, how they'll shout!

(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

When they're on the phone and just out of reach,

I'll get into things like sugar and bleach.

Oh, they'll snap their fingers and then shake their head,

And when that is done, I'll crawl under the bed.

(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids..)

When they cook dinner and call me to eat,

I'll not eat my green beans or salad or meat,

I'll gag on my okra, spill milk on the table,

And when they get angry...I'll run...if I'm able!

(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

I'll sit close to the TV, through the channels I'll click,

I'll cross both eyes just to see if they stick.

I'll take off my socks and throw one away,

And play in the mud 'til the end of the day!

(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

And later in bed, I'll lay back and sigh,

I'll thank God in prayer and then close my eyes.

My kids will look down with a smile slowly creeping,

And say with a groan, 'She's so sweet when she's sleeping!

(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

~ Joanne Bailey Baxter

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kevin's appointment at UCLA

Kevin, Cynthia, Mom & Julie left yesterday Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day) for Kevin's MRI & doctor appointment today on Tuesday, May 26th.  We left fairly early yesterday morning hoping to miss a lot of the holiday traffic, but it was pretty crowded and took us about 6 hours just to get to Los Angeles.  

We checked into the hotel near the UCLA medical plaza and then drove down to Santa Monica Beach.  It was hard to find a parking spot because of the holiday, so we did a lot of walking.  We sat on the beach in the sand for a while watching the ocean and the weather actually got a little chilly and we wished we had jackets with us.  

We went to dinner at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. on the pier and had a delicious seafood dinner.  "Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get".  Afterward we got a couple of funnel cakes with powdered sugar and strawberries to share for dessert.  By then it was dark and was getting pretty cold.  

This morning Kevin's MRI appointment was at 7:00.  We went and ate breakfast afterward and then walked over to the medical plaza for his doctor's appointment at 9:00 AM.  The MRI showed some changes from two months ago but the doctor said that more than likely it is blood in the cavity where the tumor was, which could be normal and go away on it's own.   To be sure of this, the doctor wants to see him again in one month.

Kevin has been struggling lately with an infection at the incision site.  The antibiotic he was on previously caused an allergic reaction and made his face red and flaky. He was put on a different antibiotic but it doesn't seem to be helping the infection so he has an appointment here in Las Vegas with another doctor tomorrow morning to try to get it cleared up.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Carlson's Memorial Weekend

The Carlson family spent Memorial weekend in Pioche with their friends, the Bortman family at their vacation home. It looks like they had a lot of fun!
They discovered a lot of cool places while they were there.  They loved Cathedral Gorge, Eagle Valley and Kershaw Ryan State Park which is an oasis in the desert.  They enjoyed going to the "Million Dollar Courthouse", the museum and checking out some of the old buildings in Pioche, like the Opera House.  They had fun go-carting, dirt-biking, playing games and watching movies.  The also attended church in Pioche.

Cathedral Gorge

Historical park in Pioche

Kershaw Ryan State Park

Playing volleyball at Kershaw Ryan State Park

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Kyle Carlson  is turning 19 years old on May 24, 2009.  As the oldest grandchild in the Evans Family, Kyle is setting a great example to all of his younger cousins by making the decision to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Kyle is in the process of getting his mission papers ready to send in to the church and has also been working on other requirements such as having his wisdom teeth pulled, finishing up his immunizations and getting a physical.

Kyle has earned his Eagle Scout award which is the highest advancement rank in scouting.  He currently teaches the Elder's Quorum at church twice per month and also serves as a ward missionary.  He even baptized his girlfriend, Courtney into the church recently!  He will be serving a "Mini-Mission" in Reno from June 28th through July 13th.  

Kyle has been working this past year to save money for his mission.  Debbie even mentioned that he bought a motorcycle a month or so ago and sold it just 2 weeks later for $1,000 more!  

Let's see... what more can I say about Kyle?  He's witty, funny, friendly... and loud.  You never see him without his earphones or his cell phone.  He even made a recent comment on facebook saying, "what am i going to do when i no longer have my phone?? aghhh".  I have a feeling that's going to be the hardest adjustment for Kyle on his mission... living without all his little gadgets!

Since Kyle's birthday is the day before Memorial Day this year, the whole Carlson family is gone for the holiday weekend in Pioche with some friends.  I hope they're having fun and that Kyle has an enjoyable and memorable 19th birthday.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.

-Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Rylan Evans up to bat

Coach Wayne Evans with
Ry-Guy, Chand-Man & Jare-Bear!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Daddyshack 2

Gary Evans' most recent successful hunt - showing the effects of a 12-gauge at close range - not enough meat for a fry. He's been after the little bugger for two weeks. He was heard to say "Go ahead; make my day!"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy 1-year Anniversary to Lance & Natalie Bunker!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Happy 5th Birthday to Terra Evans!!

Happy Birthday Terra!

by Candi Evans

Wow!!!  I can't believe Terra is turning 5!!!  She is sooo excited about her birthday!  We have been on the countdown ever since  Abbie's birthday in January!!!  

Terra is soo excited to finally be able to go to Kindergarten next year.  She can't wait to ride Miss Tammy's bus with the other kids in the mornings!  She has been a peer-model up to Perkins Elementary in Moapa this year, so she goes to school Mon-Thurs in the afternoons.  One of the afternoon teachers picks her and our neighbor, Ella, who is Terra's best friend, up and brings them home every day.  She absolutely loves school and can't wait to go every day.  

It has been really good for her being in this class because she has been exposed to kids with all kinds of different disabilities.  Some are autistic, some have learning, speech or behavioral disabilities and then there are a couple of kids in wheelchairs with severe disabilities.  She comes home telling us all kinds of interesting stories and she thinks of all of them just as another kid to go to school with.

She even got to do a May Day dance this year up to Perkins!  She was so excited to do her "Ride That Pony" dance.  We got her all dressed up in boots, skirt and hat!  She did look pretty dang cute!

Terra moved herself up to a "big" bike a couple of months ago because she said she had been riding that little one without training wheels since way before last summer!!  She even thinks she's pretty tricky riding with only one hand!

She loves her long hair and will come to me and say, "Mom, my hair is so long and beautiful, huh?"  I wonder where she's heard that one before? (Hhmmm, Daddy, maybe!)

Terra loves to do anything the older girls are doing and gets very mad if they don't let her.  She loves coloring and drawing pictures, singing, playing games and dress-up, putting on make-up, painting fingers and toes, playing outside and catching ladybugs.

For her Birthday cake, she wanted  a homemade cheesecake with berry sauce! Yummmm!!! She is a fun-loving little girl to have a round and is always so happy. She loves to make people laugh and gives the best loves!!  She is our sweet little Dolly!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Solomon Family Update:

  • Milo, Suzy and the kids took their new raft out late yesterday afternoon on it's first test run. It was a little chilly because they had to wait for Andre to get home from a track meet, but it was fun and they are soooo excited to use it this summer to float down the Stillwater River near their home in Columbus, Montana. The river was running fairly slow and took them about 50 minutes. Later in the summer when the river is higher and running faster, it will only take about 30 minutes from where they put in. Suzy mentioned that they even have a life vest for Roxy! She didn't get to go on their first ride yesterday, but they are looking forward to taking her soon.
  • Andre's track meet was in Billings, MT on Saturday, May 9th. He once again beat his personal best at the Javelin and also the Triple Jump.
  • Andre was ordained to the office of a Priest today at church. Their branch was so excited because they don't have many boys and now they have one more Priest in the ward to help bless the sacrament. Congratulations, Andre.
  • Suzy and Milo have sold their property in Logandale, NV! It closed last Tuesday and their money was in the bank on Wednesday. They are so happy to finally have it sold and are planning on taking the kids out to celebrate.

Kevin Evans Family Update:


Kevin has an appointment coming up at UCLA on May 27th. They will be doing another MRI to find out if there are any changes. Mom & Julie will be going along this time with Kevin & Cynthia.

Cynthia has to teach Relief Society next Sunday. That always makes for a rotten week! Cynthia is also addicted to Farmtown on facebook!

Tylee got straight A's this last semester. She will be getting rid of her removable hard cast on her arm on June 3rd. Apparently, there's also a really hot guy she's been checking out at school!

Kaden just finished his football season and got to celebrate with a party.

Kobe is playing baseball and has three games per week. He even hit a home run last week!

Halle sang really good on Mother's Day with the primary and knew all the words. She made a cute Mother's Day craft at school and keeps referring to it as "Valentine's Day".

Thank you so much for the updates, Cynthia, Suzy and Carissa! We would love to get updates on everyone from time to time. It's so nice to know what's going on in everyone's busy lives. Please contact me with any information (no matter how small) that you would like to share with the rest of the family.


Happy Mother's Day!

All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.
Abraham Lincoln
Happy Mother's Day to: Grandma Christensen, Mom(Grandma Evans), Debbie, Candi, Cynthia, Suzy, Vicki, Melissa..... and especially Natalie!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Carissa Carlson went to the Durango High School Senior Prom with her friend Mike Jensen. Her beautiful blue dress is one she purchased after modeling it and several others for a Stake fashion show wearing modest gowns. After Mike came to pick her up we took photos and they went to his house so that his mom could see Carissa's dress. Then they went to dinner with six other couples at the Palazzo - Del Toro. Carissa ate ravioli with asparagus cream sauce.  Group pictures were taken after dinner and then they attended the prom from 7:30 until 10:00 PM. 

After the dance, they went Cosmic Bowling at the Red Rock in their prom attire!  Unfortunately they didn't get any photos. I would love to see Carissa in her princess dress with bowling shoes. She mentioned that her newly manicured nails even glowed in the dark. After bowling, they went to a sushi bar at midnight. 
Carissa wore her prom dress to church on Sunday and had to go up in Sacrament Meeting to play for the primary to sing for Mother's Day.  She said that she heard some of the little primary girls in church say "Look, there's a princess!".  

Making her way down the staircase...
Mike is stunned by the beautiful Carissa!

Re-enacting Cinderella

Charlie's weekend ride to Tehachapi, CA

May 8th-9th, 2009
Charlie was supposed to go on a father/son camp-out this weekend to take a boy in our ward who doesn't have a father. The boy backed out at the last minute and since Charlie was "squirreling" to go somewhere, he decided to hop on the Harley and take a little trip to the quaint little town of Tehachapi, CA where he used to live.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Motorcycle ride to Death Valley

Dad, Kevin and Wayne took a motorcycle day-trip to Death Valley on Tuesday, May 5, 2009. Kevin rode one of dad's bikes and Chuck loaned his Harley to Wayne for the day. They met at Snick's house at 7:30 AM and got back around 3 PM. Dad mentioned that he was very grateful to be able to spend the day bonding with two of his boys.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Evan's Baptism

Congratulations to Evan Conger for his decision to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  What a special day for such a good boy!