Monday, May 16, 2011

Die! Die! Die!

I already knew that Sunday would be hard without Darren and so I prepared all week long and stayed up half the night on Saturday making fun things for the kids to do during sacrament meeting. I felt very prepared and confident that I could handle things. Well, I guess Heavenly Father had a different plan in mind. First of all, Ammon would NOT sit with anyone else (I had planned to sit by the Relief Society president so she could help me) and insisted that we sit in an isle in the front with nobody else on it. I didn't want to make a scene and so we sat there. Ammon was doing great until Alivia started screaming and throwing herself on the ground for no apparent reason. I had to haul both of them out of the room and sit them on my lap in the foyer. They sat quietly with no problems in the hall and so I decided to go back in. As soon as we got into the sacrament room Ammon started to hauler out 'Ah! Ah! AH!' as he often does in the garage to make it echo. He would not stop being loud and then started yelling 'Die! Die! Die! Die!' over and over again until we walked out. I don't think he really meant 'die' because I don't think he knows that word or what it means but he was just making noises and saying it over and over again. I was very embarrassed and wanted to just call it quits but I made it through sacrament meeting even though I had to leave 4 times. Hopefully next week will be better. I was just grateful that both Ammon and Alivia are going to nursery. That is my 2 hour brake for the week. Of course they do awesome in nursery and love every minute of it.


Tanya Smith said...

And now you know why it is so difficult for me to go to church. I'm exhausted before I even get there...

Shay said...

You are seriously amazing! There is no way I could make it without Brad. I'm sure they will get better. Lucky you to have them both in nursery! I've got three more months.

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

oh man! I am sorry! that sounds like the day no mother wants to have. Why is Darren gone?
Hope yesterday was better for you!!

Darren Johnson said...

It's probably a good thing I wasn't there, I would have tipped over laughing and then you have had to take me out into the hall to ;)