Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween Fun

We had a great time carving pumpkins this year. Tessa brought us some from Mom and Dad's pumpkin patch when she went there for a weekend. We never got any pictures of them lite but we enjoyed the family fun. Ammon has enjoyed sitting on his and rolling it around the house.

For Darren's Creative Arts class he had to dress up for Halloween in a costume that represented him in some way. You can't see it very well in this picture but his hat says 'Milk Man' and he looked awesome! I was of course the pregnant house wife and Ammon was our milk bottle. I couldn't find my apron that I was going to wear and I searched for it for an entire day. Guess what I found the next day... my apron in the exact drawer I had search a dozen times.
Ammon was so cute in this costume when he waddled around. The bottom part was a lamp shade that we covered with material and cut 3 holes in (two for the arms, one for the face) and then glued a plastic lid to the top of the material. He didn't particularly like us putting it on but once it was on he had fun running around for a minute.

We went to class that morning with Darren and all three of us had to walk across stage in front of 700 students. Ammon did a great job and loved the attention. They had a competition at the end and Darren made it in the top 8.
Later that day we went to CMC to go trick or treating at my work. We didn't make Ammon wear this all day. Instead he was the cutest little dinosaur. As soon as I get those pictures uploaded I'll post some of them.

First Boo Boo

Ammon loves to climb on anything and everything that is or might be dangerous. If he falls, he gets back up and tries again. If he gets hurt it doesn't slow him down as you can see below.

Ammon loves my old teddy. He'll snuggle up with him when he's tired. He loves his teddy from Mima to snuggle and carry around better though because he's not so big.

Ammon got his first big Booboo the other day. Darren was out side in the back sanding the new crib and Ammon and I went to go see him. Ammon was standing right next to me on the stair ledge and decided to just walk right off. He's never done that before but I guess because I was right there he thought he'd be safe. He hit his head on the concrete as I reached for him but I was too late. It scabbed over pretty good and he's still recovering. Funny thing is, he didn't even cry very much. The other day he had about 5 falls in one day. The poor thing looked like he'd been beaten. He had this scab, a black eye on the left side (from running into a metal garbage can), a fat lip (from falling off a bucket and hitting his toy bin) and another scrape on the left eye from something that I've already forgotten about. Hopefully he will make it to his 2nd birthday!

Monday, November 2, 2009


I know I need to update with pictures of Ammon and Halloween pictures but I've been crazy busy. I promise I will get to it some day. We went to the Johnson home and visited all the Great Grandma and Grandpa's for Halloween. It was really fun. Today Darren and I were cleaning like mad to get ready for our midwife to do a home visit tomorrow. Darren dusted everything from floor to celing. It is so nice to know that my house is clean and I won't have to worry about it here in a few weeks. I'm glad that my midwife Chris has a dead line to have everything prepared. I had a whole list of things I had to have ready by the 37th week which was October 30th. I still don't have everything organized but atleast it's all in my house somewhere. I'll post some pictures soon or maybe I'll have Darren do it.