Thursday, July 16, 2009

Doctors or Midwives

So I had my second DR. appointment today for the new baby. I am still so nervous about this process. I just really liked the way the Midwives handled things and talked to me about what 'We' wanted and not about how they do things. Unfortunately there are no midwives in Logan that deliver at the hospital and my insurance won't cover an at home birth. I thought I would feel more at ease with things after I discussed all my concerns with the doctor but after I asked him everything it just confirmed my beliefs that he is going to do whatever he does procedurally and out of habit. I told him, "I just want to make sure you will support me in the procedures that I prefer." He said, "Well, I am pretty open but let me just tell you what I require and recommend." I understand that he is a doctor and is there for my safety but if things are going well and it is not an emergency situation I would like it to be handled that way. I just get frustrated when their procedures getting pushed upon me when really this should be about me and my baby and not their convenience. I feel very strongly that birth is a natural process and that God made women for this purpose and that this event should be handled like any other natural process. There are high risk pregnancies that need to be handled differently but I don't think God made women in the United States uncapable of having natural births and he made women in other countries more capable. The cesearan section, mortality rate and epidural rates in the United States are unbelievable!!!! I think Doctors are too swift to push epidurals and scientific methods upon women and too slow to encourage natural birth, faith in God and the capabilty that women have to give birth.
Calvin introduced Ammon to the toilet flusher. He doesn't flush it as much as Calvin but he does like to play with it now. He also found the toilet paper for the first time yesterday. Before I could blink he had the whole brand new roll all over the floor and then started playing with it. Ammon also stood up with no support for about 6 seconds 3 times today. I think he'll be walking before Darren gets back :( I'm sad that he'll miss it.

Ammon had his first big bang while the family was here. We were getting ready go to IHOP and Ammon went to step over my leg and tripped and fell right on his lip. I haven't heard him cry so hard before (other than when he fell off the couch at the doctors office) and I was suprised because it wasn't that hard of a fall but he landed perfectly on his lip and it split open. He instantly got a fat lip. I felt so bad!

Ammon also fell down a stair today right on his face. Someone came to the door and was talking to me and he started falling and I tried catching him with my foot because my hands were full but he still fell on his face on the linolium. I felt bad but he barely even cried. He is a tough boy!!!

Family Reunion

We had our first 'Goodall' reunion last week. It was all of my dads brothers and sisters and all the cousins. It was so much fun! We were shocked at all the talent we have in our family. It was fun to see everyones personality come out in their selected talents. We had singing, poetry, lip sync, karokee, and an auction. Everyone enjoyed the park playing baseball, water balloon fights, playing in the sprinklers, swinging and doing dutch oven cooking. The dutch oven dinner on Friday night was delicious! Good job to everyone that prepared and cooked it. I think that my corn bread was the only thing that got burnt and was not edible.

Krista, Josh, Jaylie, Tanya, Ryan and Calvin all stayed at my house for one evening. It was tons of fun to have them all there but nobody got any sleep. Josh and Krista decided to camp Friday night and the babies did much better in their own rooms. I miss everyone already and had so much fun.

It was so nice to see everyone. Uncle Casey, Aunt Lauren and Nathan came from California and Uncle Daryn, Fernado and his girlfriend and daughter were there too. The only people missing were Lindsey and Darren. We all missed them very much.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Darren left for Texas today. I took him to the airport at 4:30 a.m. He arrived in Texas at about 2 p.m. our time. He is going there to do research on White Tailed Deer. He will be working with the fawns and fish. He will be living on a ranch and enjoying the snakes. He had to get some 'gators' for his shins so that he doesn't get bit. Scary!!! Ammon and I will miss him very much while he is gone. He'll be back August 20th so we're going to celebrate Ammon's birthday a week late. Good luck honey and have fun!!