Monday, December 6, 2010

This is Love

Before I forgot,I wanted to post an act of Love by Ammon boy. We went down to Utah County for the Stone family Santa party last weekend and we stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Stingers. We went to sacrament meeting with them and Ammon wanted to be by papa. Ammon came back over by me and got the tissues out of the diaper bag and wanted one. I opened them for him and he took one out. I thought he just wanted to blow his nose or rip it up like usual. (Grandpa has been having a hard time controlling his slobber with his mouth and so he has to wipe his mouth a lot. ) Ammon went over to papa and wiped his chin and wiped his nose several times for him. Then he would hand the tissue to Grandma and then grab it again and wipe Grandpas chin. It was so adorable.