Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful women out there. I have been blessed with the best mother in the world. I missed her very much on Mother's Day and wished that I could be there to give her a big hug and kiss and tell her how much I love her. A mother and daughter sang a song in sacrament meeting together and I bawled through the whole thing. I don't know how the mother kept her composure through the entire song but the daughter was having a hard time. I just want to thank my mom for always being such a wonderful example to me and for being my hero and role model. I hope to some day be the mother that she was to me for my children. I know that both of my parents have made many sacrafices to have children and to raise us in a loving home and I am grateful every day for my family. In primary we did a fun activity and the children had to share things about their mother like what she is good at, what she does well, what she likes to do in the summer etc. I would like to list a few things about my mom. Feel free to add to the list in the comments and I will post them:

10 things she loves to do in the summer:
1. Garden
2. Be outside doing anything
3. Go wild flower picking
4. Go fishing (she's a very good fisher woman)
5. Eat fresh vegetables out of the garden
6. Go to the parade and town celebrations
7. Have picnics in the park
8. Go walking in the early morning to hear the birds sing
9. Go on bike rides as a family
10. Enjoy any family reunion functions to get together with cousins and relatives

9 things that my mother does well:
1. Being a mother (she's perfect at that)
2. Cooking (I really miss her cooking)
3. Sewing (I didn't inherit any of this skill)
4. Laughing (she is always cheeful and happy)
5. Singing (My moms voice is my very favorite one!)
6. Making friends (I think she knows everyone)
7. Being generous (she's always thinking of others)
8. Fixing, building and creating things (there's nothing my mom can't fix or make look beautiful)
9. Great at creating an atmosphere of peace in our home

8 things she likes to eat:
1. Fresh tomatoes
2. Green salad with lots of big chunky vegetables
3. Ice Cream (one of her favorite is chocolate almond)
4. Almonds
5. Cereal as a snack
6. Chinese food
7. Mother's Best Fudge Cake
8. Grilled cheese sandwiches on Grandmas homemade bread

7 things my mom likes to make:
1. Crochets blankets
2. Sews anything from wedding dresses to underware (she doesn't really do this anymore)
3. She builds gorgeous homes and does excellant wood work, rock work and tile work
4. She likes to make people happy
5. She always makes her bed and likes it when we make ours
6. Likes to make things organized and clean (and she does this well)
7. She makes a great friend

6 reasons she wanted to have kids:
1. She wanted grand children
2. It's a commandment
3. She loves kids
4. She wants an eternal family
5. So we could do the dishes and chores and pick up rocks in the yard (just kidding)
6. She wanted to learn to have more patience

5 types of dessert my mother enjoys:
1. Wacky cake
2. Spice cake ( I think)
3. Fresh fruit
4. Homemade Ice cream
5. She loves pie (lemon marange ?spelling?, berry pies and pecan pie)

4 things she does out of habit:
1. Sings (or hums) where ever she is or no matter what she's doing
2. Says her prayers
3. Picks
4. cleans things with a toothbrush

3 movies my mom could watch over and over:
1. Sound of Music
2. Any Musical
3. The Princess Bride

2 places she talks about going on vacation:
1. Mexico riding in the back of the truck
2. Family Reunions every summer

1 thing my mom would like to do in the future:
1. Go on a cruise