Sunday, May 26, 2013

Please no.

I haven't posted anything since we told our kiddos about baby number 4.  Not that nothing has happened, because it has.  More that I was . . . embarrassed, maybe? . . . scared?  I don't know.  I wasn't in the mood or frame of mind to share, so I didn't.  Sorry!

So life was going oober fast when I found out baby was coming.  Which is lame because when does life NOT go fast, right?  I remember getting home from my mission thinking to myself 'Oh good, time can kind of ease up and slow down for a little bit.' HA!!!  It was a joke I played on myself.  That was over a decade ago and time hasn't slowed down since and seems to always gain momentum.  Oh well.  I digress.  Life was crazy and SOMETIMES (ok, ALL the time) I think I'm Wonder Woman.  If you don't know who she is, she's a crazy hot chick that can pull off a leotard and stellar boots and, while looking amazing, kick everyone in the butt while accomplishing everything she sets out to do.  Ya, I don't even try to rock the leo (not even before I was 6 months pregnant), but I still think that I should be able to do everything.  I maybe kind of want the boots, but right now I really just want my comfy flip flops. 

When I think back to February I realize logically that I'm probably insane.  I'm not 20.  My body has gone through 3 other pregnancies full term and my sleeping schedule?  Well, let's just say my kids eat up all day and night :)  And my eating practices . . . food is NOT my fuel, friends, it's partly my therapy, which realistically means I eat tons of junk.  As a recap: I was going 110 mph at all times, not sleeping well, not eating well, and teaching more aerobics/dance classes than a 33 year old gal with pretty awful morning sickness should.  And best of all, I was thinking that I could do all of this and could have probably taken on more if I could cut sleep completely out of my life.  Insane.

So then I had one TREMENDOUSLY busy week.  My normal schedule was 6 dance classes and 4 aerobics classes.  That particular week I did all that, plus 8 other hours of a Friday/Saturday certification that was quite a bit more physically intense than I had intended.  I've done other certs . . . but not like this one.  I was exhausted.  Then amazingly, four days later I started spotting which developed into some pretty intense bleeding.  BOOM!!  My midwife made no bones about the fact that I was no longer able to do as much.  'Not so as much' pretty much meant not do anything.  At first I thought she meant for like two weeks.  That was totally doable.  I got things in place so I could sit on the couch and not do anything.  Then I went in for a follow up and I got the BOOM!! all over again when she told me she wanted me to do nothing for at least the next FIVE weeks until I had my 20 week ultrasound and 'we would go from there.'  I like to think it wasn't bed rest just because I could go places, I just couldn't do things.  Like lift anything over five pounds (that's a joke when you have other kids at home, but I gave it SUCH a good try!).  Like work out.  Like run and play with my kids.  Like do anything that might get my heart rate up.  *gasp*  I read 6 books the first five days.

It was a long five weeks.  But my sister, Sherri, came over to my house every day.  Tyler was completely amazing.  My ward even brought us delicious food.  Five long weeks later, my 20 week ultrasound showed everything being stereotypically perfect and healthy.  AWESOME!!  I even got the cautioned go ahead to start exercising and living life again.  PHEW!!  I haven't taken my classes back and I'll only take back cycling and dance is OFFICIALLY over for the season.  I can't teach RIPPED because I have no self control when put in that environment.  Honestly, friends, when my endorphins kick in and I'm teaching, I feel nothing but the need to push myself into oblivion.  I've become a freak and I am aware of that. 

What now? you ask?  Well, school is out on Thursday (if you can honestly call 90 minutes of school on Thursday a school day.  I seriously have to wake up at 7:30 in the morning for my daughter to go to school for 90 minutes?!).  And beyond that I AM taking back 2 of my cycling classes.  If you're thinking about working out, come!  I only teach beginning cycling at PGCC and I love it so so much.  I think I may try prenatal yoga and my midwife has strongly recommended that I invest my time in water aerobics if I 'feel like I have to workout at an intense rate'.  She's such a smart lady :)  Other than that, I feel like my daily routine until baby will consist of a kiddy pool for my swollen feeties, a lawn chair under my deck, and my kindle.  If you want to hang out, we'll be here :)


Amanda Snow said...

Come hang out with us! I have a Thanksgiving Point Family Pass now, so you can come for half price if you want, or we can go to a splash park and let the kiddos play. I miss you!

Sheri said...

SO happy to hear that you and the baby are doing better! :D Yay for getting to be more active again too! ♡

Sheri said...

SO happy to hear that you and the baby are doing better! :D Yay for getting to be more active again too! ♡