
Showing posts with label sisterhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sisterhood. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Life changes

So much going on these days, so little time to sit and spill my guts to my computer!

First – Vivian is the sweetest little addition to our family! She is somehow going to be 6 weeks old on Saturday and that just blows my mind. I think we are finally figuring each other out and in fact, miraculously, both her and Aleesia are sleeping right now (which means they will wake up any second, right?) so I was able to eat and get some important things done (like this blog, clearly).

Second – Aleesia is going to be TWO on Sunday! Again, unbelievable. But she is seriously awesomesauce. I love toddlers!

Third – I am officially a lady of leisure for the next few weeks as I transition out of my previous job and into a new one in March. I’ll be able to work from home and there are about 10,000 other things that swayed my decision when this company came looking at me. I’m looking forward to the new adventure.

Fourth – I have heard (and said!) the saying “life happens” probably a million times. But life has really been happening around us these past 6 weeks. Here’s a recap:

  • Vivian was born (12.20)
  • We came home (12.21) (and Mike was able to have the week off of work!)
  • Gianna, Aleesia, and I all got sick with whatever virus was going around all of Northeast Ohio (12.22)
  • Christmas! (12.24/12.25)
  • Everyone is feeling betterish, but Mike gets sick worse than anyone else had (12.27ish)
  • Mike goes back to work for the day (12.29)
  • My mom is gets sick so we changed our New Years day plans and we all went to my one sister’s house.

This is when life really happened – on the way home, my little sister and her husband (& their puppy!) got into a very bad car accident.

If you have ever been the (un)lucky person to receive a call from a person whose car just literally got slammed into and pushed into a tree, take my word for it – it will shake you to the core. I was thankful to be the one that she called because I am blessed (thanks, Mom!) with a  calm personality especially when things are not good. I was also thankful to be the one to stay on the phone with her until help arrived because it helped me to be there for her and to feel like I was “doing” something when I felt so helpful. (can someone please invent teleportation for situations like these?) It was very scary, and I have had several nightmares about it since then. The scared sounds and descriptions I heard on the other end of the phone are not something you quickly forget.

But we are so blessed to have each other – blessed first of all that they are all alive; blessed that she could remember my phone number when a witness handed her a cell phone; blessed that every single person in our family mobilized and took care of each other without so much as a breath of hesitation. They were not far from my sister’s house so her husband rushed to the scene of the accident just in time to be there as I hung up and the firemen were cutting them out of the car (and to take care of Sami, their dog). My sister had a broken foot (and a toddler at home) so she couldn’t go with him. I was unable to go to the hospital (newborn, and all) so Mike went and met them at the hospital. My stepdad was at work (he is a firefighter, ironically) but he left and got my mom.

My sister ended up with 4 broken ribs. My brother in law had a brain bleed which required him to be monitored in the ICU, but was sent home with a bad concussion and stitches in his face. Their puppy broke her little leg and has an external fixation device on after it was surgically repaired!

When I finally saw her after the accident I squeezed her so tight that I thought I might break her other ribs and finally let all of those pent up tears flow because she was okay and I COULD squeeze her! My sister’s family and mine all pitched in to stay with them, drive them around, do whatever they needed and it wasn’t even an issue or a question – that is what we do. I never take our closeness for granted, but this was a time when it just shined so strong.

Their accident was caused by a car coming the other direction going left of center. It happened in literally the blink of an eye. The tow truck driver who took away their mangled car was amazed that they were alive, THAT is how badly the car was damaged. The offending driver? No insurance, driving someone else’s car, and “doesn’t remember” going left of center – how you don’t remember literally nearly killing someone is beyond my ability to understand. This is my soapbox moment for the week – don’t text and drive, don’t drink and drive, don’t do drugs and drive, be aware of what and who is around you. I know that I have taken driving for granted on multiple occasions and not been as focused as I should be but you can bet I have become more cautious than ever after this experience.

So, in the blink of an eye our lives changed – thankfully they are all being put back together now.

Everyone in our house is finally not sick, someday Gianna will actually go to school for a full week (she has had a lot of snow days!), and we count our blessings a little more these days.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

a letter to my {third} daughter

hey there baby girl -

It’s been 39 weeks since you started growing into the little tiny person who is kicking around on the inside today. I have spent nearly that amount time wrapping my brain around the fact that you are our third child, our third little girl. Trying to figure out how are we so blessed and being abundantly thankful that we ARE so blessed.

I have to be honest with you, though. I haven’t been able to to spend much time reflecting on how life is going to change with you in it. I haven’t been able to hand write you a single letter that is just for you. I haven’t been able to take as many pictures to document how you have grown inside my belly. But I have been able to enjoy every wiggle, kick, flip, spin, and dance move from the inside. Sometimes you put on quite the show and we can all see how you move by the way you wiggle around in there. You will even move away from (or toward) my hands when I set them on my stomach. The last time we got to see you we found out that all that heartburn mommy has been complaining about is in fact due to a full head of hair on your little head!

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I am thankful to have felt really good this entire pregnancy, so thanks for going easy on me. You have two big sisters who are anxiously waiting on you to come out and meet them. Gianna is beyond thrilled to hold you, to take care of you, to love you. She is also excited to teach Aleesia how to be a big sister. Aleesia, she doesn’t really know what to think right now but I know she is going to love you so much. She’s been practicing how to hold a baby, and how to rock a baby, and she really is the best little cuddler you have yet to meet. Daddy is getting really excited too, he is practically begging you to come out anytime now!

My newest little friend, I need you to know that just because you are the third doesn’t mean you are any less loved than your sisters. I know now that our hearts grow to accommodate each child and love them each to the moon and back. And sisters, oh sisters they are so awesome. I have two sisters (plus bonus step sisters!) and you know what, you all might not (ok, won’t!) always get along  all of the time, but I truly pray that you will be each others best friends for all your lives. There is truly no other relationship like it in the whole world.

We are ready for you to come and live here – your room is ready and Gianna even spent time today making it look extra perfect for you. The swing is set up. The car seat is out and ready for you to ride in. Your closet is full of adorable, teeny, tiny, clothes for you to wear. I even heard that Santa has a little something special for you if you arrive in time! We prayed for you, we have been waiting patiently for you to get big enough to come out, and I can’t wait to see who you are!

DixonMini 027

*Bella Rose Photography

I’m ready to share your wiggly self with the daddy, Gianna, and Aleesia (and everyone else, too, I suppose!) and we are all just so ready to love on you from the outside.



Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Two girls and a….

We found out last week that we will be blessed with another baby girl!


She looks great, healthy, so far drama-free and is kicking up a storm these days!

We have NO IDEA what her name will be, of course, but we’re up for the challenge.

Gianna is pretttty excited to have another sister and Aleesia has no idea what is going on but I’m sure she will appreciate getting to play both the little and big sister role.

Our hearts are overflowing with love for this girl already. I think she is going to fit in juuuuuuust fine!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

room sharing


One of the things that has to happen before the new baby (I am still sort of in shock by this phrase!) arrives is moving Gianna and Aleesia into the same room. A very small room, may I add. We want to do this sooner than later to work out the kinks that I am sure are coming.

I’ve figured out the furniture arrangement for the room, when the time comes and I am sure the closet will be organized appropriately.

But what I haven’t figured out is how we are going to manage bedtime with two girls who have different bedtimes. Aleesia is typically in bed before 7:30 and goes down pretty easily. Gianna is typically stalling to go to bed from 8 until at least 9. She has been stalling even more than usual lately (thank you mr. sunshine for staying out so long, but also we need room darkening shades STAT!) and just generally not wanting to go to bed

So for anyone who has gone through this before and for anyone who wants to offer their advise, here are my questions:

  1. How do you manage bedtime with 2 kids in the same room when one is asleep much earlier than the other. What do I need to say or do to get it through the big one’s head that being quiet is very important when she goes to bed? I’ve already told her that if we have problems at bedtime she will have to go to bed before Aleesia, which she of course didn’t like.
  2. What can we do to make the room feel special for Gianna? She says she’s excited about it, but I’m not buying it yet! I might need to post some pictures and get opinions in a different post!

What is with the bedtime stalling, anyway? tonight Gianna told me she couldn’t sleep because she had an itch in her ear! I give her 10 points for creativity on that one, at least!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A letter to my {second} daughter: The First Year

Miss Aleesia  -

My little peanut, you have been here for 365 days.  A year ago I was happily in labor (no, really) and so excited to meet you.  I think about that experience with such fond memories, it was an amazing day.


[photo credit: bella rose photography]

Since 8:28pm on February 1, 2013, you have been filling our house with your smiles, snuggles and funny personality.  You love snuggles, and I can’t complain about that one bit – it’s a little bit of calm in an otherwise crazy life!

2.2  (72)7.15  (8)11.29  (4)

There were so many days that felt long and hard – you continue keep us on our toes always.  We worked through your reflux, your kidney reflux, breastfeeding struggles, all of it together.  It wasn’t easy and sometimes scary, but we have worked through each challenge as it came our way.  You’re a strong girl – probably even stronger than either of us can imagine.

4.16  (2)IMG_30854.19  (5)

Sometimes the days feel so long, but time flies.  I was nervous about how life would change with you here – but for no reason.  You fit right in as if you have been here for so much longer than a year.  I never knew just how much I could love another child until I saw you for the first time – it was just instant love. 

IMG_2215newborn 18.21  (3)12.25  (116)

But more than that, I never could have imagined the love that your sister would show you.  Watching the two of you grow together is what gets me through each day.  Your face lights up each time you hear each Gianna’s voice and it amazes me each time.

2.4  (4)3.27 b (7)8.25  (4)11.12  (5)9.9  (22)12.25  (27)

You are an amazing ONE YEAR OLD!

5.27  (8)9.29  (3)

It’s been a busy busy first year for you – you celebrated Gianna’s birthday, had your first (hopefully only, fingers crossed) hospital visit, celebrated Aunt Krissy & Uncle Jimmy’s wedding, celebrated lots of important people’s birthdays, went to the beach, slept through Washington DC, celebrated every holiday and learned so many new things.

4.13  (65)8.14  (84)8.17  (137)12.24  (17)

You love to push things around the house – anything that moves, you will push it.  Your favorite thing to play with is Gianna’s anywhere chair and to climb on and off of her bed! Although you enjoy dancing (so hilarious!), clapping, waving, playing with your little people, and doing anything Gianna is doing. You walk when you feel like it but crawling is still faster.  You love to eat and to be outside.  You don’t always love to sleep at night, but you do always love to snuggle.

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You can say a a lot of words when you feel like it, but you regularly say hi, dadda, bye, this, more, sissy, mama, dog, cat.  But the most hilarious thing you do right now is say “tickle tickle tickle” and try to tickle daddy.  I’ll never tire of your giggles – they are pretty awesome.  You have at least 8 teeth (and aren’t great at teething, but that’s okay) with a few more on the way in.

3.20  (14)IMG_31237.21  (69)

Aleesia, you may be the second little girl in our family but you hold such a special place in our hearts with those big blue eyes and your huge smile.  I couldn’t have imagined loving you anymore than I do right now and I can’t imagine what life has in store for you.  My wish for you is that you always feel special, empowered, and that you always have that sparkle in those blue eyes and smile on your face.

1.30  (1)1.30  (18)

I was laying with you and Gianna after your nap and a song I had never heard before came on – the lyrics of that song brought tears to my eyes.  Something  you have taught me is to always have faith, to always let that light shine bright, and to trust in Him.  I hope that I can teach you to walk in that same path – to make the  most of every chance and to look at each day with the same sense of wonder that you do today.

I can’t wait to see what joy the next year brings!

I love you, my little peanut. 


Monday, December 2, 2013

More firsts

It seems appropriate that so many first have been going on here lately, given the entire post I wrote about first year firsts just the other day. (there is a giveaway there, go enter!)

I am not sure I could have used the word first any more in that sentence.

Moving on!

I think I forgot to mention that our first born got her ears pierced, after much begging, with her bestie the other day! I am glad I waited until this was her idea (she has been BEGGING for weeks!)because she reminds me that her ears need cleaned every day, which I know I would forget if I had to remember on my own.  And she has “kitty hello” earrings, such a cool chick!


I ran my first turkey trot (in super freezing cold weather!) on thanksgiving. It really wasn’t that bad at all, and I am pretty sure the cold motivated me to run faster than normal - I’m not fast at all, so I’ll take any extra seconds off my time I can get!

Aleesia enjoyed her first thanksgiving.

11.28  (11)11.28  (16)<—this is what happens when I try to take their picture!

Gianna wrote out table cards for everyone and decided where each person should sit, she is becoming such a young lady these days!

11.28  (40)11.28  (45)

Our weekend continued with me taking Gianna to the movies for the first time. We saw Frozen which is ADORABLE!

Aleesia had been stuffy (again again again, she’s always stuffy!) and generally crabby so we took her to the doctor, first ear infection.

Followed up on Sunday with her first stomach virus. (honestly. I had no idea a 10 month old could vomit so much at one time.)

It was a super fun end to the holiday weekend up in here! (but overall, we did have a fun weekend)

I also got a little surprise in my inbox today:


Looks like I’ll be adding “first half marathon” to my list of 2014 firsts.  No backing out or slacking on training now!  I honestly did not think I would be selected (no one else I know who registered was selected) so I am a little shocked, nervous, mostly excited though.  It’s something I’ve wanted to accomplish for a long time and no time like the present, right?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sometimes, You Just Need to Let Them Play in the Cupboards


I might not quite understand the fascination with the cupboard that holds all of our containers but it is one of the best ways to occupy these cuties while cooking or cleaning. 

Gianna was really really excited to show her little sister all the fun to be had with these magical plastic containers.


Aleesia: so, you want me to put this bowl on my head?


Gianna: YES! It’s fun!

Aleesia: still not buying what you are selling, big sister.


Aleesia: Okay, Okay, you convinced me, I’ll do it….


Gianna: Success!

Aleesia: I guess this IS pretty fun…..

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quick Changes

Aleesia is 7.5 months old – I swear to you, I don’t know how it happened. But here we are, with this cute little grown up baby living in our house! 

A cute little grown up baby who has finally outgrown her colic (thankyousweetjesus) & smiles a LOT, is quite stingy with her giggles and is generally still awfully particular about life. But seriously, she is super smiley and happy and starting to become so much fun!

8.21  (1)

(she likes me even though I am gone all day!)

Let’s give a recap of Miss Aleesia’s growing-up over the past month or so.

We started trying baby food about 6 months – she really wasn’t that interested, which, was fine.  She got the hang of it at about 6.5 months, though it is still hit or miss as to if she wants to eat or not.  We are getting more “hits” lately at 7.5 months.

So, she eats food.  And can pick up food. (yay, puffs!) Sort of.

7.30  (4)

(it’s no wonder she doesn’t always want to eat. someone is always creating the best distractions!)

And then after shoving All Of The Things in her mouth allthelivelongday for months 

9.1  (6)8.11  (13)

(exhibits A and B of Things in The Mouth)


Her 2 bottom middle teeth snuck in. Then 1.4 of the next 2 bottom teeth snuck in.  I can’t get a good picture of those little suckers to save my life, but trust me, they have erupted. And they are sharp.

Gianna is so excited that she has teeth, it’s pretty hilarious.

At about the same time she got those little teefers – she decided she could sit up! Alone!

9.9  (22)

It’s a whole new world when you can SIT and play with toys.

9.2  (17)

(especially because it means you can play with big sister’s toys, obviously)

But sitting was not enough of a developmental skill for this one, practically in the same day she decided that army crawling backwards was also in her skill set.

Any day now, she is going to be moving forward. Like, crawling for REAL. She gets up on her hands and knees and based on her disrupted sleeping patterns at night she MUST be working on a new skill.  (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Now learn to crawl and go to sleep)

9.2  (1)

(I got this, mom, really….)

She’s still a peanut girl – size 1 diapers, I just moved her into 3-6 month clothes, easily portable, I say!

She also babbles constantly. Waves and gives high fives, when she feels like it.  Aleesia’s personality is quickly developing and it is fun to watch – sometimes she is tries to be loud, but mostly she is the smiley, shy one.  She gets really sad when I leave the room some days and has all but perfected the pouty lip. Her tiny snuggles are still The.Best.Ever.

It all just happens so quick – it amazes me.

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