Showing posts with label Purple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purple. Show all posts

November 16 - 22, 2015

I spent the first three days of this week at a conference in SLC put on by SolutionTree. It was all about professional learning communities. I learned a lot of great things that I'd like to try out in my classroom and at our school.

November 9 - 15, 2015

Once again I have been as busy as a person could possibly be and still be a person. Teaching seven classes of 32-36 students is hard work.

October 19 - 25, 2015

This has been a crazy busy last week of the term. I hardly had time to think. I'm definitely never giving my classes two writing assignments due at the same time again...or a big assignment at the end of the term, either. It's finally got cool enough to break out a few vests or jackets.

October 5 - 11, 2015

This was another busy week. The weather here has been so beautiful that I've just been trying to enjoy it while it lasts.

August 24-30, 2015

One thing I've discovered about my new classroom is that it is absolutely, positively, freezing cold. The air conditioning is definitely working overtime in there. This is why in my Friday entry I am wearing a sweater with a sweater jacket over it. It just had to happen. I was also wearing wool socks. In August.

May 4 - 10, 2015

I didn't post a Sunday outfit because, if I'm being honest, going to a Mormon church on Mother's Day is not going to happen for me. I just can't handle the guilt trip. I will enjoy visiting the BHW's mom later today. Happy Mother's Day to all.

April 13 - 19, 2015

What can I say? It's been an incredibly busy week. I was very relieved to get the CUWP book group on Thursday done with -- it's a bit of a scheduling nightmare.

March 23 - 29, 2015

The weather has been so absolutely beautiful this week that I've really been drawn to florals and fun colors. Only one more week until Spring Break!

March 16 - 22, 2015

Oh the joy of that first day to go without tights! It's been such incredibly nice weather lately -- 70 degrees every day. This outfit felt wonderfully springy, and yes, my iPad just fit in my bag. Another favorite outfit of the week was the red orange jeans with the whale tippi -- plus I loved the vintage fish prints I put on the Polyvore.
Funny note of the week: when my neighbors came to visit one of them said, "Did you know you are famous?" Apparently, she has been following my blog for a while and told the ladies in her carpool about it. Anyway, when my neighbor picked them up on Friday, one of them said, "Guess what! I'm taking a class and guess who is in it? Denée from What Denée Wore Today." Ah, fame.

March 9-15, 2015

As a teacher here in Utah, my only hope of a raise with our stingy legislature is a lane change. I got one last year, and I am working to get one again this year. I have been taking lots and lots of extra classes -- I dare say that I am getting worn out. Anyway, this was about all I could work myself up for as far as dressing goes. It's getting so warm here that I may start going without tights soon.

February 23 - March 1, 2015

This was a crazy busy work week and life week for me. Things are ramping up at school due to the end of the term. I tried to keep things pretty casual and still add a lot of color to my life -- hopefully I succeeded!

February 16-22, 2015

This has been a fun fashion week for me. Our weather has been crazy warm for February (I'm talking 70 degrees!), but it took a turn for normal Friday night, February 20th, just in time for my brother's band's outdoor rock concert. Hence the mittens and gloves. I wore the casual maxi skirt look for the PFLAG/Affirmation meeting at my house, but I might have needed to ditch the jacket -- it got rather hot in here with 30+ people.

February 10-14, 2015

I wore a lot of red this week, but hey, it's Valentines Day! The BHW and I celebrated by going to see Ann Hampton Calloway perform with the Utah Symphony. It was a really gorgeous musical evening and really put us in the mood, wink, wink!
I went with a more casual Valentines style for my last day of work before Presidents Day. Monday I will get a much needed vacation day.