Showing posts with label sky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sky. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Amazing skies

sky with bare trees
sky with bare trees
Yesterday morn K. and I left early for Leuven. We got up in the dark, packed our stuff in the car and just before we drove away I looked up in the sky and saw the morning glory at the breaking of the day.
sky with bare tree
sky with bare tree
layered sky with moon
layered sky with moon
morning sky with clouds and chemtrails
morning sky with clouds and chemtrails
morning sky with clouds and chemtrails
morning sky with clouds and chemtrails

morning sky with bare trees and a bird
morning sky with bare trees and a bird
morning sky with sheep clouds
morning sky with sheep clouds

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Amazing skies

amazing sky with wind mills on horizon
amazing sky with wind mills on horizon
Last Sunday I went for a walk on the beach with my ex boyfriend. Maybe not one of my great ideas emotionally wise, but visually wise it was a fantastic idea. I mean, these skies were just awesome!
amazing sky
amazing sky
Lots of turmoil in the sky, lots of turmoil within myself. Trying to befriend my ex after a painful break-up is not an easy thing to do even after almost a year. Looking into this unlimited space though gave me space within, it gave room for feeling these emotions, venting them and feeling lighter afterwards. I am sure you have experienced this too at one occasion or another.
cloudy sky and kite flyer
cloudy sky and kite flyer
And then there were these guys flying in the sky, riding on the wind that rolled over the dunes. They represented the ultimate experience of freedom.
sea gulls and an amazing sky
sea gulls and an amazing sky
sand dunes, amazing sky and two kite flyers
sand dunes, amazing sky and two kite flyers
Who knows, I might try it out one day.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Day II Space Awareness: space in sand and sky

curved fence on the beach
curved fence on the beach
On the second day of the workshop we talked more about our awareness in general. Hèlen is convinced we are aware all day long, but sometimes there are clouds of thoughts which make us a little less clear or awake than at other moments. 
curved sand and water
curved sand and water
"Now is the only moment, you cannot be more in the present than you already are." That was kind of an eye opener as in most Buddhist teachings we hear that we are not aware all the time and that when we are thinking of the past for example we are in the past. Today we heard that even when we are thinking of an occasion in the past we are still thinking it in the present. That actually makes sense, doesn't it?
edge of sand and water
edge of sand and water
Meditation is a practice or method to be with the intrinsic qualities of ourselves like courage, fearlessness, abundance, contentment, clarity and so forth. Every meditation helps to have a better experience of the present. And everything we do is an expression of ourselves. Thoughts are a confirmation that we are present.
circles in pavement
circles in pavement
On this second day of the workshop we explored the spaces of sand and beach, again without any reference frameworks like people, animals or other objects.
space on the beach and in the sky
space on the beach and in the sky
It was a glorious day and the skies and beach could not have been more splendid as you can see by these photographs.
splash of sand on a concrete surface
splash of sand on a concrete surface
space between two sets of black dumpsters on the beach
space between two sets of black dumpsters on the beach
Hèlen also explained the Heaven - Earth - Man principle to us. Heaven represents the space in which something takes place, it is the base, the foundation. Heaven is the second dominant aspect and it supports the Heaven aspect. Man brings Heaven and Earth together, it is the most elegant aspect. This principle is used in contemplative arts, like Kado (flower arrangements) and Haiku.
tyre tracks going into space
tyre tracks going into space
This day also felt awesome like yesterday. According to Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche "Spaciousness brings inspiration." I experienced more room in myself and I felt more relaxed, my vision is broadening and it feels a bit like unlimited boundaries. The sky is the limit!
shadows of posts and a blue sky
shadows of posts and a blue sky

See also day I from this workshop.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Day I Space Awareness: space in sky and street

solid visual space: street
This weekend I am participating in the Miksang Contemplative workshop level IV which is about space awareness. Space as form and form as space. Visual space can be wide open (sky) and it can be solid (street or wall).
apartment building and grey sky
"Form and space have an intimate relationship: space intensifies the clarity of form and form creates boundaries that bring out visual space."
solid visual space: sidewalk
Our human eye is trained to go from one object to another, but in this workshop our intention was on the space between the objects, around them or on space itself. As we are not used to do this, is requires some grounding and practice.
solid visual space: sidewalk
Visual space can sometimes feel very two-dimensional like fields or levels and at other times it can feel three-dimensional with depth and openness. Sometimes it feels flat, full and tight and at other times it feels startling, because we are so used to looking at things that to see the absence of things can through us off balance.
three lampposts against a grey sky
All perceptions appear in space: color, texture, light, moments, contact and simplicity. Seeing forms and objects as anchors for space is a different way of looking. Space is everywhere, all around us, everywhere.
three layers of a building
three layers of a building
three orange balls and a grey sky
three orange balls and a grey sky
The assignment of this first day was to set our intention on space, to walk the streets of Zandvoort leisurely and to look at space on the streets and sidewalks as well as looking up and seeing space in the sky with or without anchor points. To feel the assignment right we looked only at space, not at the people or little things in it and we examined whether we experienced space at forms or not.
white street markings
white street markings

wooden staircase
wooden staircase
white facade and a blue-grey sky
"Seeing space creates a greater field in which flashes of perception can occur. By reducing fixation on objects, you can open your eyes more, or mind more and go out farther and farther, feeling the spacious quality of the world."
triangles in the sky
triangles in the sky

yellow curb
Since the beginning of the workshop we've all felt more open or spacious not only in ourselves, but also in the world around us. We feel more relaxed, cared less about the time during the day and felt lighter and happier. And this was only day 1 where we explored the spaces of street and sky.

Quotes are from the book: The Practice of Contemplative Photography. Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes. By Andy Karr and Michael Wood.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Morning glory

I got up this Sunday morning pretty early (I'd like to sleep in on the weekend) and rode by bicycle to meditation class which takes place in the centre of Amsterdam. The hardest bit is to actually get up in the dark and to walk to the shower in the cold corridor of my house. After feeling the warm water on my body and having some food inside my stomach I am ready for the day.
yellow and blue sky
yellow and blue sky
The advantage of this season is that I am able witness the spectacular colours of the sunrise. To me there are just a wonderful gift of Mother Nature. And the reflection in the canal is even more awesome.
reflection of a pink sunrise in a canal
reflection of a pink sunrise in a canal

Friday, 14 November 2014

Pink sunrise

pink sunrise
This week has been a really busy week work wise as well as personally. At work I had two major meetings to prepare & take minutes of and there was a speech of an old professor for which I had organized all the logistics and which I hosted. I also took photographs of the event. On top of that I just came back from a week off, so there were lots of emails in my inbox waiting for a response. There was hardly time for breaks and no time to go out for a walk at work.
In the evenings I taught my own yoga class, had a meeting with all my housemates, went to a lecture about Shambhala buddhism and took a yoga class.  As I leave the house when it starts to get light and I cycle back home in the dark, there wasn't much opportunity to pick up my camera and have a look around me.
The picture above I shot Wednesday morning just before going to work, I looked out of the window and saw this incredible sky. It made my week!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Evening sky

evening sky
Last weekend daylight saving time was finished and Wintertime was back on, meaning the end of Summer and signifying that Autumn has seriously started.
evening sky
Which means to people with office jobs like me that in the morning it is still light, but dusk is already falling when we travel back home. 
evening sky
When I got out of the university today I looked up and saw this incredible colourful sky. 
evening sky
These little moments make my day and I simply couldn't wait to post the pictures. Did you notice the skies this week?

Monday, 20 October 2014

Purple sky

purple sky with pink lines II
I saw this beautiful sky last Saturday when I was waiting on the platform for the train to Amsterdam. I had a few minutes to spare, looked around me and could not escape the beautiful colours of the evening sky.
purple sky with pink lines II
Our teacher is teaching us all the time to be available so we can see the beauty of everyday life. How about you? Are you available during the day, while you are waiting for the bus, train or simply sitting on our couch having a moment to yourself?

Friday, 27 June 2014


The past few days I started working on another motiv and I wonder now why I haven't seen it before. Everyday at work I look out of the window and see a piece of sky between the concrete buildings of our university. Everyday that sky the light, clouds and colours are different. Below are some first examples, probably many more are to come.
motiv sky I

motiv sky II

motiv sky III

motiv sky IV

motiv sky V

motiv sky VI
I posted my last motiv in the Summer of 2013: the pictures were taken in downtown Amsterdam.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Early blossoms

As we all know by now Spring has started early this year. The trees are bursting and the blossoms are already coming out. Their stages go by so fast.
budding tree and blue sky
The first picture is taken on the 9th of March. A very different day than the pictures below as the sky is of a very intense kind of blue.
The other two pictures are taken earlier this week. We have three trees in front of our house and the middle one is blooming right now, that is the one you see in the images. The color of the sky is more lavender.
blossoms and blue sky
Standing underneath them feels exotic. As I was taken these two photos a passerby commented: "It's like being in Japan." And that felt right. I' ve never been to Japan, but I can imagine the feeling.
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