Showing posts with label drops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drops. Show all posts

Friday, 17 January 2014

Rainy afternoon

Somewhere this week it rained. I wanted to go out for my lunch break so bad, I went out even though it rained. It was just a tiny little walk around the building, but it did me good. I was in a different world, a rainy world and saw raindrops everywhere.
raindrops on red canvas
In this picture you can actually see the rain coming down.
leaves in a puddle
Under an awning the water in the puddle was slowly running to a slightly lower area.
puddle of water
All bicycles had raindrops stuck on them.
bike steering wheel with raindrops
I like the effect of raindrops on smooth surfaces.
mirror of motorbike with raindrops

bike's saddle with raindrops

Monday, 20 May 2013

Rainy day

It's been raining most part of the day. It's wet and grey and I decided to bake pancakes for breakfast with raw milk, fresh eggs and home made butter from the dairy farm. Real pancakes and they were yummy!

Then I worked on my little book with souvenirs of Venice. A beautiful project to do in this weather.

Eventually, I had to go out to do some groceries. Armed with an umbrella I went out to face the rain. There was eye candy everywhere I looked: drops on cars, bicycles, 

wet pieces of paper

 and bicycle bags.

And a lovely little snail on the wheel of a bicycle!

Saturday, 13 April 2013


It rained some more yesterday. Heavy rain with a bit of thunder.

I waited for my lunch break walk until it stopped. After the rain everything was wet and I saw drops everywhere.

In the Hortus Botanicus drops were all over the place, it was like dropheaven!

Car hoods had the most impressive reflections with fallen drops and something else that fell from trees. I don't know much about nature and I'm afraid I don't know what the red stuff is in this picture.

Friday, 22 February 2013

A bit of sky

It was cold today even though you wouldn't think so. Blue sky and sunny, but the wind was ice cold. As I looked up from work, I saw the condensation on the windows and through it, the clouds.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Buddha in the rain

It rained the majority of the day. And of course the sky was overcast, so it was grey and dull. Because of that I didn't look forward to do my errands. But was I glad I brought my little camera!

This Buddha stood in the rain, I felt a little sorry for him. The rain made beautiful drops in his neck, under his chin and nose. But he still smiled and had his eyes closed. I guess I should let influences from outside of me not have such an impact on me. Well, that's easier said then done.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


Today it felt like Spring. It's crazy because it is only January, but it was warm, there was this Spring scent in the air and I heard the birds sing.

It hadn't rained since yesterday and most cars in the street were dry, except for this car. On this car the drops were visible as if it had just stopped raining.
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