Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

We've had an illness run through our little ones again, which made the Trunk or Treat not so fun...
Halloween night was a success with fun pictures, acting the parts, gathering loot, and then rushing off to see Jonas' final football game.  Today we graphed our candy and took a fun time-lapse movie of the kids eating candy for 5 minutes. Perhaps we should have taken a time-lapse movie of them AFTER the candy... :)

Trunk or Treat... 
you can probably guess by the faces 
who wasn't feeling too great...

Halloween night (Jonas is missing because he was at his last football game... who schedules these games!!!)


My cute dragon (just woke up from a nap, so a little grouchy...)

The energy of these knights!  

Back view of Princess Leslie's outfit (and hair)

Best buddies

The candy graph.  900 pieces of candy total.  
Lollipops are reigning champion...

This is gross to watch in real time, 
funny in sped-up time, 
and would be disgusting in slow-motion! 


Jen said...

You guys always have the best costumes! I still remember the periodic table elements : )

Bob and Raylene said...

Your costumes are magnificent!
Love the candy graph and the video, fun!

Unknown said...

Fun costumes and pictures! Love the video too :)