Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dresden=38 years old

Yup.  I'm 38.

Because of my running goals this year, that meant 38 miles in a week, 26.2 of them being on my actual birthday for my self-imposed birthday marathon.  I am feeling slightly more recovered today and am already re-contemplating the phrase "never say never..."
My knee was not happy at mile 15, but I stuck it through with the help of my kids and husband.

What a metaphor for life.  Really.  I cannot "do my life" on my own, that is why I have my family to support me and help me through!  Parents, siblings, in-laws, grandparents, extended family, kids... Everyone is in my life for a reason!  I love their examples and their returned love for me.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, icing my knee, and enjoying family time (including getting Jonas ready for a Homecoming date and Leslie dressing up as a medieval princess for the stake Halloween dance.)


Bob and Raylene said...

You wax philosophical. We are so proud to have you in our family. You inspire us to be better.

Unknown said...

You are amazing! Love you!