Showing posts with label home project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home project. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 2020 Remodeling


In April and May we remodeled the basement: turning multiple cornered doors and a cold storage into a fun entertainment room. We also had plumbing issues (the beginning of many) and replaced the carpet.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


We've done everything backwards, ripped walls, torn up carpet, installed floors, puttied and painted, and had a great time making a lot of interesting family memories.  We've learned a lot.  It's been stressful and fun, mixing those two emotions with a lot of others!



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It is not easy being green...

This yard project has taken a lot of time and hard work. Most of the hard work was done by Dad, the waiting has been embraced by all of us. These pictures show a portion of our labor, but the green is worth it!

Thanks Dad, for giving us the color we need in our lives!

A portion of the garbage and junk in our yard

Laying the sprinkler system down in July 115 degrees

More leveling
(Like our kid labor??!?!?)

Even the little ones helped out

Cool addition to our patio area
(One day it will be home to a grill and eating area...)

Everyone plants seeds in the garden

Hey mom, look, I've got a shovel!

Even the shadows are working
Too bad we worked in the blazing sun most of the time!

Raking up the rocks

Grass seed

Tufts of green that should (fingers crossed and prayers being said) spread and become a beautiful green yard...
On the left you can kind of see the pathway Dad laid (very cool)...
And food growing in the garden!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Working on the backyard

Well, while Dresden and the kids are away at her mother's house in UT, swimming and enjoying the close of a school year, I have been hard at work here in El Paso. I have been focusing on projects that take a lot of time, so they don't take time away from the family, as I am already away from them. One of the biggest projects is the backyard. I cleaned all the debris off of it first, tried to get rid of all the rocks, cement, trash and pieces of wood, and then spread compost all over it. Getting the compost in the back took hours of backbreaking shoveling and many wheelbarrow trips. Thankfully I have a good friend, Steve Traylor, who helped me. Then I had to spread out the compost on the yard, and today I did the hardest part of the job- remove 5 tree trunks from the yard- the trees died in February when we had our freeze. But I planned on tilling the compost into the yard, and I had to get the stups and roots out before I can do this. It took me almost all morning with a shovel, pick axe, and some tree limb cutters. I was exhausted after I got it done, but it is done! So here is what the yard looks like now:
And here is the pile of rubble and trash and tree stumps that I got out of the yard. Phew!
My next step will be the installation of a sprinkler system and then we will plant grass and a garden next month. Can't wait!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Carpet, shmarpet

Yuck. Carpet is gross. Especially carpet with pink puke stains on it. So, we got new flooring! (It was a decent enough excuse for us to act on a looong overdue desire.) Oak laminate is cleaner... and louder.

We love it.

Merry Christmas to us.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Apparently there was this tornado...

Imagine our surprise when we came home from our Easter Weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's house to find this mess.

Can we all say "Family Home Evening Activity"?!?!?!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

True Jedis

As with most families, we struggle with getting chores done (with or without complaining). Well, this past week we found a solution! We know it will only last through this current fascination with Star Wars Legos, but it works for now, and that is what counts!

The kids helped make their chart by picking their favorite Lego Star Wars characters. Then they each do an assortment of chores ranging from 1 to 3 points each (awarded by Mom or Dad, Imperial Inspectors). Once they accumulate 30 coin points, then they can play 30 minutes on Lego Star Wars. The kids are so excited to earn their "coin points" for playing Lego Star Wars that we have witnessed episodes of crying when someone finishes off the chores for the day! This morning I had to tell them to stop cleaning the bathrooms and vacuuming, because they were done just last night!

I thought they would take 1-2 weeks of doing chores to become True Jedis, but Leslie is on 16, with the other kids not far behind... Bob and I are working on making up more chores for the kids (chores we never ever ever thought we'd get to...)

Way to go True Jedis!

Lesson learned: exploit your kids interests... it just might work!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

ACK! and It's Spring... A combo post

Our computer is down! And nothing is backed up! Bob is going to call Apple and we are hopefully going to fix this. The laptop is serving just fine as a replacement for now, but I miss all my charts, homeschool ideas and bookmarks, and photos (they serve as our screen saver and as entertainment for the kids during mealtimes).

Meanwhile, we have been working in the front yard, planting a peach tree, buying MORE dirt for our veggie garden, mowing the lawn/weeds, and general outside sprucing up. I also have been going through the kids clothes and organizing the drawers and closets. Spring has sprung!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I love my sewing machine...

and my husband who does all the sewing! The past couple of weeks he has mended many pants - and done a great job. He has also entertained the kids WHILE sewing. Thanks, honey!