Showing posts with label country. Show all posts
Showing posts with label country. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election Day 2016

What a rough election.

The kids and I tried to have a good sense of humor about it all... We held a mock election concerning our Wednesday breakfast.  It was a close race!  We even had some tears, but we rallied together and enjoyed our morning!

May God bless the United States of America!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fun across the country

We've moved!

Leslie said, "We're celebrating the 4th of July by driving across the country!"  It really was beautiful, and we enjoyed rain in every state during the week!  We counted all the state license plates except New  Hampshire.

As we traveled across the country we spent time with family and friends.  In the course of one week, we saw ALL grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, with the exception of one aunt (traveling in Europe!)  It was awesome!

No one barfed, and we only had one tire mishap that was resolved in one hour.  Not bad!

We continued our tradition of not eating at the same restaurant for the entire trip (difficult, but doable).

And now for the randomness of pictures while moving...

Golden Corral Cotton Candy Mustaches...

Playing with the Sun

Our tire-fixer

Kansas City Temple

Side of the road...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Superhero Sc"Avenger" Hunt

What a creative, fun, and "SUPER" activity we had today!  
The twins and Micah came up with the idea of a scavenger hunt for superheroes.  
We searched the yard for evil villains, 
and then conquered them so we could earn the ingredients for super yummy cookies!  
Thanks boys!


We are so thankful for the real superheroes of our lives... those who have given their very lives serving and protecting our country and mankind.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Comparisons (Dinner and Political)

* We pray for our dinner, and we should pray for our country's leaders

* We should respect the people who make dinner and we should respect our leaders

* Sometimes we cry about dinner and elections, but there is always another chance to eat a different dinner or vote in a different election

* Troy couldn't keep some of his campaign promises because Mom didn't have the ingredients and refused to go to the store.  Sometimes there are other factors involved that limit keeping promises.  However, we all enjoyed the kielbasa hot dogs and leftover cake instead of hot dogs and brownies.  We can make the best of the "political ingredients"!

* Having dinner is much better than having no dinner at all!  Having a government is way better than not having any government!

* If you decide you don't like dinner before you even try it, you'll be hating it the whole dinnertime.  Give new things (or re-elected presidents) a couple of "bites"!

* Sometimes we don't like the dinner, but we still have to eat it.  Sometimes we don't like the things the political leaders stand for or promote, but we need to have an optimistic attitude and make the best of the situation.  We should "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in..." (Mosiah 18:9)

* We don't always get what we want, but we shouldn't complain about it.  We should do something about it!  (For example,  I don't eat hot dogs, and there wasn't enough anyway, so I made my zucchini tomato, spinach salad...  Gideon can't eat hot dogs, so he had leftovers...)  Politically...  just because there is a law that allows smoking marijuana, that does not mean you have to smoke pot!  Or marry someone of the same gender, etc...  Yes, we are upset about the re-election, but we are going to still love our country and pray for the Spirit to be active in our leader's hearts.

* We can pray and prepare for our True Leader and King, our Savior to rule and reign.  This can be personal:  let Him in our own hearts.  This can be national, worldwide, universal:  Prepare for His Second Coming and the Millennium.

These are just a few comparisons that the kids and I came up with as we discussed our reactions to the elections.  Feel free to comment with more!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

We voted this year for our dinner (and who would make it).  

Troy won, and is currently making his dinner of hot dogs and hamburger buns.  
I like this experience better than last time because last time I had to keep their campaign promises.  
This year the winner is keeping the promises (making the exact dinner they campaigned for!)

(I sneakily chose the most disgusting dinner the kids would NOT want so that I could have a night off from making dinner!  Hee Hee!)

P.S.  I did vote for real a couple of weeks ago!