Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Suddenly, Spider-Woman's Rogues Gallery Is Looking Pretty Gosh-Darned Intimidating


The (kind-of) original Blue Beetle -- the one who was an archaeologist and not a cop -- defended the world against such menaces as (clockwise from top left)...
  • Baron Von Howdy Doody!
  • Furry Conventioneer Who Can't Walk Upright Because A Couple Of Ruffians Jabbed Pool Cues In The Costume's Eyeballs Man!
  • The Micronauts Bandito!
  • The Red Hulk's More Flamboyant Uncle!
  • Battle Roomba!
  • The Living Loincloth and his atomic-powered baby bottle!
  • Fellatiobot!
Okay, so that last one was a bit obvious, but c'mon. I couldn't resist!


LurkerWithout said...

Amazing. You've found someone with a lamer rogues gallery than Firestorm. I didn't think that could be possible...

Still someone should call Grant Morrison. I'm sure Libra and the Fire Guy With Moustache could use some more partners...

Comixbear said...

I don't know...I think the current Blue Beetle is even lamer. I can't even think of a single villain he's faced in the entire run! Of course it would help if they would decide if it was a magic scarab (as implied when it was revived by magic in the last Crisis or two) or scientific, as they seem to be leaning towards now.


Gus Casals said...

"Furry Conventioneer Who Can't Walk Upright Because A Couple Of Ruffians Jabbed Pool Cues In The Costume's Eyeballs Man" ? You´ve been reading Morrison´s notes on your time viewer again...

And I think I saw a movie with the Living Loincloth and Fellatiobot...

LurkerWithout said...

The current Blue Beetle's scarab is pretty well established as "science". Pfiefer for some reason decided it would have problems with magic in the last issue...

As for Jamie's villains? Well mainly he had the Reach. The alien bad guys who created the scarabs. Plus he fought Giganta, local crime boss La Dama, Eclipso, the Ultra-Humanite and Typhoon...

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

So Baron Von Howdy Duty is straddling Felatiobot? I don't think this is comics code approved. Oh my innocence had been seduced!

Phillip said...

Fellatiobot is huge! Near Galactus-scale. "I Hunger!"

FYI, you should watch this video that was linked on boingboing. Specifically, you should see what the video's poster uses as his profile icon.

Anonymous said...

Back before there were USB ports, all robots came equipped with a universal penis connection.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think this post renders them, collectively, far more terrifying than I probably would have found them otherwise...

Anonymous said...

Dude, don't be dissin' Battle Roomba. He will fuck your shit right up, man.

Scipio said...

Oh, god...

you owe me new underwear now, Jeremy...

Kon-El said...

Just when I thought my Rouge's Gallery Stunk

MaGnUs said...

I like "The Living Loincloth".

Dean said...

Dude, don't be dissin' Battle Roomba. He will fuck your shit right up, man.

Battle Roomba can wipe the floor with anyone. It might just take him a while to get to all of the corners, because he keeps bouncing off the furniture...