I will start this off by saying I'm a huge Allen and Ginter fan. I've loved the product and still love the product, but it's mainly for the non-baseball inserts and people put into the set. But the cards have a great feel and the design this year is very Ginteresce. Let's have a look at what I pulled.
First up a guy I have a small PC for so that's nice. Hammerin' Hank Aaron.
Not a bad sampling of what Ginter has to offer, two active players, to HOFers, and one tennis star.
My mini was a regular back Zack Greike.
I also pulled the main player insert set: World Talent. 50 cards in the set dropping 1:4.
And much to my surprise I pulled the one per box, 1:24 packs, Home Run Challenge card. The card seems so out of place in the product, but after looking at ebay it made the pack worth it.