I know almost nothing about hockey.
Here is my attempt to make some sense of a pack of hockey cards...

Okay, so this guy's name is Dvorak and he plays on a team I literally had no idea existed, the Florida Panthers. Apparently he's played a long time and had a lot of assists.

Jarome Iginla was the first black captain of a hockey team. That's kinda cool.

Mike Modano has scored more points than any other American in hockey. I'm guessing that makes him pretty good.

Here's someone I recognize...there is always at least a little Bruins stuff during the Red Sox season.

Kovalev was a 3x NHL All-Star.

Here are a couple hilarious action shots. The guy on the left looks like he's carrying half of an imaginary couch through a tight doorway.

Woah! An auto, and its a retro dude! Kelly is best known for about 10 years as a Philadelphia Flyer.
Now, here's the funny thing. That's my pack, but I got a total of four free packs. I Wasn't expecting anything, let alone an auto, but look what I got in the other packs:

I literally got as many hits in my four free gift packs as I did in the box of Tier One I actually payed for. And the Tier One, let me tell you...it was pretty bad. (I'll probably do a blog post on my other blog, Wax Pack Geek, about it)