Showing posts with label 2005 Skybox Autographics Retail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2005 Skybox Autographics Retail. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

2005 Skybox Autographics


Hope everyone had a great weekend, and Happy Mother's Day to any mom who happens to stumble across this little website.

Last week was the 50th anniversary of the James Bond franchise (in America), as Dr. No had it's premiere on May 8, 1963.  I thought I had a Bond-related pack to share with the class, but I think it's in the crawlspace, and I don't like going in there because it's cramped and dark and stuff.  I may have no choice but to get in there soon anyway, so if I do, I'll see if I can find that pack to mark the momentus occasion.

Anyway, a little over 4 years ago, one our earliest contributors posted a pack of 2005 Skybox Autographics.  However, if you were to go there now (it's OK, I'll wait), you'll notice that the pictures are gone (at least it is for me).  This injustice cannot stand, so it's time to right this's another pack of 2005 Skybox Autographics!

Just like before, it's a retail pack from the Target discount bin.  Here's the cards:

#35 – Mike Piazza
#53 – Rocco Baldelli (back)

The fronts are basically head shots; there's no action shots to be had here.  The backs are lacking in stats but do come with a lot of empty space.

#13 – Sammy Sosa
#21 – Ivan Rodriguez
#17 – Ken Griffey, Jr.

Not a bad pack overall.  You got a future Hall of Famer, 2 pretty close to being Hall of Famers, and 1 should have been a Hall of Famer but he went off and enhanced himself illegally.

BONUS CARD:  Since it's Mother's Day, here's one of my pulls from another pack:
#61 – Nolan Ryan (#604/750)

Here's the back for the visual proof that it's out of 750::

It's pretty disappointing that almost half the set are short prints.  Anyway, that's the pack.  More later.  Enjoy the week and thanks for reading!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

2005 Skybox Autographics

I was rummaging around in the $1.59 box at Target this morning and came across this pack, so I thought I'd give it a shot. According to the back, there are 60 Basics, 25 Rookies numbered to 750, and 30 Greats numbered to 750. The combined odds of pulling a Rookie or a Great are 1:30 packs. So this isn't exactly a set-builder's dream come true. Remember the old days where you were happy to get a player from your favorite team? On to the cards before I get sentimental.

#5 Chipper Jones

I guess I see why they call it Autographics... it's got a large foil signature across the middle of the card. Exciting stuff.

#39 Alex Rodriguez

Now that I think about it, this seems like a mixture of mid-90s Studio (portrait shots) and 1994 Collector's Choice (silver signature).

#59 Bobby Abreu

#15 Paul Konerko

#28 Mike Sweeney

Not a bad pack, overall. Sure, there were no serial numbers or autos, but two Hall of Famers out of five cards isn't a bad ratio.