Now here are some cards that are sure to bring back some memories for some of the readers out there. We've got RoboCop2 cards. Frankly, I never cared for the movie and had no idea there was even a second one made, let alone Topps made cards for it. I got these in a bulk oddball box.

The cards are VERY yellow and feature scenes from the movie on the front. Some of the cards have storyboards on them, and in each pack is a sticker. Hey, isn't the woman in the card above from "The Love Boat" or something?

The backs of the cards seem to feature the story of the movie in a serial fashion such that each cards ends with "Continued on Card #xx" where xx is the next card numerically.

So, card #83 continues on #84, etc etc until you get to the end of the set. Well, I assume it ends there, but I can't really say from experience.

Oh, wait, in ALL CAPS at the bottom of each card on the back are these words: "*INCLUDES HIGHLIGHTS FROM ROBOCOP'S FIRST ADVENTURE!" So, I'm guessing then the story on the back is from the first movie? I dunno... I'm at a loss here.

It is very obvious the Topps was way over-extended by this point in the company's history. Holding on to tie-ins that I can only assume were a bust. Oh wait, they're still doing that, aren't they?

Well, if you've made it this far, you are to be congratulated. I'm not sure I would have scrolled down this far - unless it was to see older posts...