The wrapper is all dark and mysterious, blues and greens against a black background. There is no promise of anything special - no foil, no duflex, no holographics. You get 6 cards, kid. Here.
Out of the shoot, we have the man himself followed by a couple Jim Carrey cards. In the third one, he looks like he is thinking, "Just take the stupid picture before I rip off your blankety-blank head!"
Two-Face, the dynamic duo, and Bruce Wayne finish out the pack. The cards are borderless, glossy, and are on decent cardstock. The backs show a closeup of part of the image on front with a parapgraph or so os relevant info. If you're into movie/comic-related cards, this is actually not a bad way to go. I say that, you realize, having no experience in such a collectible. Just sayin.