As we've seen numerous times already (just check the side bar with packs we've already opened!), the 90's were a time for anyone and everyone to produce card sets. To that end, ProSport Specialties Inc created a set in collaboration with Charles Shulz featuring "Peanuts Classics."
Each card shows a single comic frame on the front, surrounded by either a gold or silver border and the "Peanuts" logo. On the back, the entire comic strip appears which contains the frame on the front! It is a VERY cool concept in my book!
Not every card's front image is the first frame of the strip itself. I think that is also a very clever way to have developed this set of cards.
Rather than bore you to tears with my own witty banter, I will step aside and let the master do the talking:
This is a cross-blog post. Related articles appear on the following blogs:
A Pack To Be Named Later
A Pack A Day
Things Done To Cards