Showing posts with label 1992 ProSport Peanuts Classics Series 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1992 ProSport Peanuts Classics Series 2. Show all posts

Monday, May 31, 2010

1992 ProSport Peanuts Classics Series 2

As we've seen numerous times already (just check the side bar with packs we've already opened!), the 90's were a time for anyone and everyone to produce card sets.  To that end, ProSport Specialties Inc created a set in collaboration with Charles Shulz featuring "Peanuts Classics."

Each card shows a single comic frame on the front, surrounded by either a gold or silver border and the "Peanuts" logo.  On the back, the entire comic strip appears which contains the frame on the front!  It is a VERY cool concept in my book!

Not every card's front image is the first frame of the strip itself.  I think that is also a very clever way to have developed this set of cards.

Rather than bore you to tears with my own witty banter, I will step aside and let the master do the talking:

This is a cross-blog post. Related articles appear on the following blogs:
A Pack To Be Named Later
A Pack A Day
Things Done To Cards