Showing posts with label craftiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craftiness. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2013

Isaac Isms - Crafting Corner

My little Isaac is so creative! He puts his heart and soul into whatever he makes. Because of this I can't throw anything of his away without snapping a picture. The little flower that opens, he gave me that on Mother's Day. It opened and said, "I love you mom." I kept it for months. Just precious. Isaac took an old white shirt and used fabric markers and colored a darling shirt! He had so much fun. He went through a faze of folding airplane papers and collecting them.... he folded a lot of planes! Then it was Ninja Stars. He would get Brett involved and they would watch movies on you tube of how to make the perfect ninja star. Then he learned to make a transforming ninja star... well he was the talk of the first grade when he brought that to show and tell!
He makes all kinds of things at school and writes the cutest stories to go with them. He colored a picture of Jesus at church. He made "paper flowers' but they weren't flowers, they were things on sticks that we put in a vase. He made Dax a train that had the words "choo choo." It was precious. Oh he made a duct tape ninja star. He really loves duct tape. He has even duct taped his bike seat in BYU duct tape!
One day he was outside forever making a huge chalk masterpiece. You walked out the front door and it said, "BEST FAMILY... DANSIES" Then he drew a flower and a rainbow. Then you followed the steps down reading our family names. Then he had hearts and sports and all kinds of pictures. It was really darling. I love how hard he works.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ashley & Brett's Adventures

Brett and I have been up to a lot in the last couple of months. I have pictures to go along with mine, Brett does not. But his is important and I wanted to remember such a big blessing that has come into our lives. A week before Thanksgiving, Brett's entire department at Lendio got laid off. It wasn't a huge shock because he had survived so many lay offs over the past years. A couple months prior he had put a new resume together. He looked here and there, but we were grateful that it was all ready to go when he got laid off. He was able to start submitting resumes the next day. I have to add, we weren't upset, we were relieved. It was a big blessing to be-able to leave this company and try something new with a better atmosphere and many possibilities. We knew something great was going to happen, but we weren't sure what. Brett went to so many interviews and had so many call backs. He even turned down a couple things (which was a scary feeling!) But within 3 weeks he had accepted a wonderful new job with Management Plus.  We are so excited for this new adventure and Brett is so happy at his new job. We have felt so grateful and blessed.

Over the last couple of months I have been all over the place. Here is a few of my favorite things I've done. I went to see the new Twilight movie - Breaking Dawn, part 1 with my sisters (and Shelly, Rachel's old high school friend. She always comes!) Rachel got us tickets months and months before it came out. She had to order then at the strike of midnight so we could have our midnight tickets! She's the best!
We also celebrated Kenzi's birthday! The morning of Twilight was Kezni's 20th birthday!!! Aleesha picked her up a Happy Birthday crown and badge to wear in the theater.  Rachel was a little cold in the movie and brought her snuggie to the movie. She cuddled right up and watched the movie.
My friend Megan, who I met my 3rd year of college is now a Tupperware consultant. I told her I would host a party. I honestly thought it would be a flop. Who buys that much Tupperware? Well I must be a great sales lady cause I sold over $500 dollars worth and I got all this Tupperware for free!!! It was very exciting to me! I got a jello mold and I have had a hard time figuring out how to make the perfect jello. I've been on the phone forever with  my mom asking her jello mold questions and for Christmas she gave me a 80's jello mold cook book! I'm excited to try it out!
I wanted a cute fall wreath on my door and my mom had cleaned out some things in her house. She had found some old wreath starts and leaves she was throwing out. I took them thinking I could be craft and to my surprise, I was!!! I went and found some fall colored sprigs and wah-lah! I made a cute fall wreath... just like the kind I have always wanted!!!
Liz wanted to learn to make hot pepper jelly. She had Cord's name for Christmas and wanted to can him a yummy treat... since he's all garden crazy and cans a lot of things. She asked me if Nancy could help her, and when I looked over the recipe I realized I could help her can it! (I had a few sisters doubt me, but I'm so impressed with a few of my canning skills I've learned over the years.) Liz and I had so much fun making it. My house smelled so bad of peppers, we were choking ourselves! But it was a blast! We plan on making it again.
Two days before Christmas I had a freak accident happen. Luckily we still had our insurance from switching jobs! But 4 am I woke up to help Daxton who was crying. I must have gotten up to fast cause I felt nauseous and started to run to the bathroom. Isaac had a rocket toy right by the door. I don't know for sure if I slipped on it or not (I don't really remember) but I smacked really hard on the hardwood floor on the back of my head. I have never hit my head so hard in my life! Brett said it woke him up it hit so hard. Talk about a really bad headache!!! Brett got me some ice, checked my eyes (though that was hard cause I was crying so hard!) and I didn't have a concussion.  He turned the side lamp on and checked my head. He said there was a small line and it was swollen. I laid down and all I wanted to do was sleep.  I kept telling him I thought it was bleeding, but he said no. The next morning I had a little bit of blood on my finger but that's all and I thought I was feeling better.

I jumped in the shower and got the worst "splitting" headache in the world! Rachel happen to be on her way over. I got out and had her look at my head and she started to freak out. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!" She kept asking. She ran frantically to my fridge and found my mineral water, poured it on a plate?? Usually we would use a bowl. I was in a bit of a daze and just watched her. Then he soaked a paper towel and smashed in on my head. She proceeded to wrap my head in horse tape... making me look like a red ninja. She told me I had a big crevice in my head. I had seen it. It was about a 2 inch crack, split open. It was red and bloody but thankfully not gushing out. Brett walked inside and was shocked what he saw. He said, "wow! It did not look like that last night!" The hot water must have split my head open. Brett ended up taking me to the Insta-care.
A half hour later I had 5 staples in my head. I have to say, both nurses that worked on me need to work on their "not so shocked skills." They both calmly said, "ok let's see where you bumped your head." and then you hear a big "GASP!" Not comforting people! It didn't hurt too bad. The worse part was when they numbed my head. They had to poke a lot of little needles in my head. Ouch. Then the staples were just a big of pressure. The worst part was I had a hair appointment in 4 days and the Dr. told me I would have to reschedule. RATS! But at least they didn't have to shave my head or anything like that. A week went by and my head was as good as new. I went and had them pull them out of my head and I went to my hair appointment. Probably not the smartest idea. My head was pretty sore after. But at least I had cute hair again. Here's a better picture, a week later when my head was all closed up. It looks much better!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Isaac Isms - Crafting Corner!

Isaac's  been very busy creating pictures the last couple of months, I thought I better post them. He's so detailed. I love how he takes his time when he's making things.
 Some of these were made in Preschool, but the rest were at home. He got fascinated with money and would make his own money for a while. I thought it was so cute he would put the #1 in all the corners.
Isaac made a lot of cards for Mother's Day, Father's Day and birthdays. Brett got him a giant cardboard card and he made me a really cute Mother's Day card. We did the same thing for him on Father's Day. They are such big cards! We've been doing "homework" almost daily in the Summer. He has liked his homework and loves math (yay!) but he loves art days! We've made butterflies, caterpillars, and painted rocks. 
But his very favorite was the day we made peanut butter play dough. (It looked gross!) But he enjoyed rolling it around making snowmen and eating it. Dax didn't want anything to do with it. He wouldn't even taste it! 
I found the picture of Isaac's bunny ears he made at Easter time. I still am impressed he cut them out and made them by himself. 

 Isaac made his own parachute. A balloon and a Walmart sack, genius! 
The other day Isaac wasn't feeling great but needed something to do. So I suggested we play a game. Our store bought games weren't good enough for Isaac. He went above and beyond and created his own game called, Fuzzy Rolling Ball Game. We rolled fuzzy little balls through the tunnel (or over depending on if his didn't go through) his paper course and up the ramp. We marked how high our ball rolled. Isaac won. You may have noticed his lack of shirt in this picture, well I as he is growing up, he feels that older boys don't always wear shirts to bed, so lately, he prefers sleeping in pj pants. (Isn't that suppose to happen when they are teenagers and not five?)
Isaac loves his dad. He loves play with him but mostly, he loves to tease him! The older Isaac gets and the more I hear from his family, I'm realizing Isaac is an exact copy of his dad!
We went to our first parade of the Summer at the Saratoga Splash. Isaac and his cousin Zander were surrounded by older kids who didn't get up to run and get candy, so score for them! They filled a Walmart sack half full. They were so excited!
Thy met a big headed baseball bird? I'm not sure what he belongs to, but it was exciting that he gave them high five!
 And they got weird Statue of Liberty foam hats to wear, who wouldn't want to wear that?
When Summer began and we did something we've never done, we buzzed Isaac's head. I have to admit, it was a little nerve wracking when we buzzed off his beautiful hair, but he looks darling. It's no maintenance, which we both love! And it will be the best hair do for swimming lessons!
We bought a fun slip n' slide this year. (Mostly so I don't have to worry if Dax is going to fall into the pool and the boys can still play in water.) Isaac has had a ton of friends over and they all seem to love it. Dax loves when we run his legs up and down the slide. It gives you a good workout! The slip and slide can slide two people. You can race to the finish line and get the checkered flag at the end.
Isaac LOVES when he wins it!
T-Ball just started this year. Isaac is on the fluorescent yellow team. You can't miss them! Brett is coach again. I love that little kids call him "coach!" It's so cute.
Their first practice one little boy got clocked in the eye with a bat. It was a pretty rough way to start off the season. Other then that, so far so good!
 Isaac is getting really good at hitting. He measures up 3 times before every swing. It's so cute.

Isaac's Funny Phrases:
I've been trying to be better about writing down the funny things Isaac says to me, here are my favorites!

As we were driving, Isaac told me our car was a boy car. You know what kind of car you have cause girl cars have the tall antenna's on the outside.

He squished a giant spider in the garage for me and he told me he's not scared of them and that's why I have boys! (I'm so happy for that!)

I was eating yogurt one day and Isaac informed me I was swallowing it wrong. So if anyone is wondering how you do this correctly (who knew there was a wrong way?) Isaac can explain it in great detail! 

I was painting a block and Isaac said, "mom let me paint that. You know I'm a better painter then you. You should paint up and down and side to side. Your doing it wrong." 

Isaac was playing in the dirt and he was covered in it from head to toe. He came inside and I told him to wash up for dinner. He said, "WHY CAN'T I JUST USE SANITIZER!" I starred at him while dust and dirt was falling all the ground.... I don't think sanitizer is THAT strong! 

Isaac: Mom, when am I going to loose a tooth?
Me: I didn't loose mine till 2nd or 3rd grade.
Isaac: But I want to be like Grandpa Milt, he lost a tooth right in front. 
Me: He lost a tooth cause he has a hard time taking care of them. You don't want that, now go brush your teeth.
Isaac: I do want that! I want a missing tooth and I want a gold tooth too!!! 
(It's good to have goals, right?) 

We were at Costco and Isaac got a sample of apple juice. He took a sip, smiled and said, "mmm, That will be $2.89!" It made me laugh so hard! 

Isaac was goofing off in the car and I had grabbed his leg to make him stop kicking my seat. He cried and said it hurt. He told me to never squeeze his leg again! So I said fine and apologized. Later he was hitting me with his arm and I grabbed his arm. And he said, "Mom, when I told you not to squeeze my leg again, I meant to say, don't squeeze any of my parts!" Smart kid!

Dad played what he thought was a "funny" joke on me on Father's Day. He's always waiting for me in the car, but this time he thought he would back-out, close the garage and make it look like he left. In the meantime, Isaac and I were trying to get a bunch of things together to take to the grandpas. It was raining, I was in heels, and I couldn't find the car. When we got in the car, Brett was laughing saying how funny he was. (I couldn't get mad, it was Father's Day!) Isaac looked at him and said, "I thought your joke was lame!" haha! So did I!!! 

Before Brett started his diet, we would always buy Healthy Choice chocolate ice cream bars. Isaac and his friend Trevan were joking around, trying to be silly, saying things like, "your nose is fat!" Not really understanding what "fat" meant. So I told them it's not nice to call people fat. Isaac piped up and said, "Ya! We don't! Cause my dad is just a little fat but he eats special popsicles for it!" It made me laugh. Serves us right for telling him they are just for dad and mom so we aren't fat.

After church one day Isaac said, "you know sometimes when your singing and you feel really good inside? Well, thats the Holy Ghost." Talk about melting a mother's heart!

He was getting to race me and he looked over and said, "See ya later, sucker!"

I was driving in the car and a fun song came on the radio that we were all dancing too. Dax loves when I do "raise the roof" so I did and he was copying me. My backseat driver saw this and screamed, "MOM! HANDS ON THE WHEEL!"

Isaac was whining one day and I was tired of it so I started to mock him by mimicking him. (I know, real adult like.) Then later I asked, "where's my water?" And Isaac piped up repeating what I said in a very mocking way. I starred at him in shock for a minute and he looked at me and said, "See! It's doesn't feel good, does it!" Man he's a smart cookie! He showed me!

I think daily Isaac and I have a toothbrush argument. I say, "go brush your teeth." Then he cries, "BUT YOUR NOT COMING TO HELP ME!" And then I say, I will be there to check your teeth, but you can't start in on your own. And we go round and round with those same sentences. So one day I about lost it and said, "you are old enough to start brushing your teeth. When your done, come find me and I'll check them!" (Yes, I was tired of this argument and I might have over dramatically said this and I'm sure a few other things.) Isaac looked at me and while walking off he said, "Gggg's, calm down lady!" That cracked me up!!!! Good thing he's here to help me chill!

I didn't know Isaac was feeling cold in our house this summer. (Cause it's not cold.) But he walked up to me the other day and said, "Mom, I figured out why our house is so cold. Feel this heater vent. It's blowing cold air!!!!" Guess he didn't know thats what it was suppose to do.

Isaac got a bug bite on his leg and he was very careful with it. He wouldn't sit or do anything. I was trying to read a story to him and told him to come sit. He said, "Mom! I can't sit down cause of my bump on my leg!" That bump on his leg prevented him from doing a lot that day!  

He's become such a boy now. He loves all the following "boy things." Spitting, burping, tooting, fake tooting with his mouth, and sleeping without a shirt. I really am baffled that he's 5 and already thinks all these things are funny. Isaac's great, he keeps us laughing! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mom's Crafting Corner

I'm not sure what possessed me to start making blocks again. I did one darling XOXO set last year, and since they worked out, I attempted some "lucky" blocks and they turned out AWFUL! I mean, throw them out and DON'T try again. So when my sisters started making some, I thought... yes, I could craft with them and  then I can't screw it up so bad! Not to mention... Liz has a circuit and makes life a lot simpler for all of us! Our goal is to have one for every month. Since I had Valentines, I started with March.
These Lucky blocks turned out so darling, I love them!
Then we made Easter. I was going to have it say, "Hoppy" Easter... but Rachel told me it was too cheesy! Whatever. I guess preventing me from screwing up again!

It happened to work out count wise, so we flipped our Easter blocks over and made Spring blocks!
And now we are working on our Summer blocks! If it turns out, I'll post it!

All this crafting made me a little ambitious. One of my good friends birthday was approaching and I had seen this sign in someones house saying, "Return with a Diet Coke." My friend drinks SO much Diet Coke. I couldn't resist. So with the help of my sister, Liz and I recreated it and then I got to work, painting, sanding, and modge podging. I thought it turned out cute and she really loved it!
So here's to hoping the rest of them turn out so cute! 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Isaac Isms - Crafting Corner!

Isaac got an early birthday present at the first of this month!

Brett brought home a desk just his size so he can do arts and crafts till his hearts content!! (I think it is also to help my sanity of not having to step over him while he's working on projects all throughout the house.)

I have to say, I love his creativity! He sat at his table and constructed a cape out of paper and has been flying around the house ever since.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hello, My Valentine!

We had a fun Valentines this year! Isaac was so excited because he had a Valentines party with his preschool class. From what I was told, it was chaos passing out the Valentines, but a lot of fun! They Made darling valentine holders out of plates and Isaac made Brett and I a heart frame with his picture in it. He was so excited to give it to me! He came home with tons of Valentines he couldn't wait to open. He gave Power Ranger Valentines (which he says are sooo cool!) along with a fruit roll up and a lip whistle.

Isaac after his preschool valentine party!

On Saturday Grandma Nancy had a fun little Valentines day party with the grandkids. They got to make heart shaped pizzas, play valentines bingo, and make a heart craft! They had a blast. Grandma sent them home with a little valentine bag. Inside the bag she had sewn two paper hearts together with candy inside. Isaac thought it was so cool he got to rip the heart open to find out what was inside! Thanks Grandma, it was a hit!

That night Brett and I left the kids with his parents and went out to the movie, When In Rome. It was just what I needed! It's just nice being with my husband and having a conversation that didn't get interrupted with crying or someone saying, "I don't want to listen to what you guys are saying!" That night Brett gave me a new addition to my Kitchen Fairy collection. I can't even remember the last time I got one so I was so excited. I've never seen this new line before and Brett knew I would love it. It's the Kitchen Fairy from the 50's! She is holding a lollipop and she is standing next to a delicious ice-cream shake! And if you look close she even has poodles on her skirt... she's darling! Thank you honey.

On Valentines day Brett and Isaac fought over who was my valentine. Isaac kept walking up to me saying, "Hello, my valentine!" He would get really mad when Brett told him he was my valentine. So I had to settle it and say I had 3 valentines... Brett, Isaac and Daxton! I was just glad Isaac wanted me to be his valentine. Earlier in the week he had told me Taylor, a little girl from his preschool class was his valentine. I was sad, I don't want him to grow up that fast!

This past month my sister-in-law, Emilee wanted me to do a craft with her... which I'm always a little leery of but it actually turned out pretty good! I've even decided I'm going to try and make a little something to add to my decor for every holiday this year! Em's idea was to make XOXO letters. She sent me a link of one that was so cute... just to help me get a good idea. Well, I was sold and that's the one I wanted! I made myself a pattern, had my dad bring me home some wood (it's nice to know a guy who has extra pieces of wood lying around on any given notice) and then I had him teach me how to use a ban saw!!! Yes, I used a ban saw and cut out my own letters! Brett was very impressed with me! The only thing bad that happened was when my sister, Rachel decided to come out and see how I was doing. She was standing behind me for a while watching and finally spoke up and said, "good job ash!" I had no idea she was there and she scared me so bad I jumped... I'm surprised I didn't loose my finger! But other then that I did pretty good!

After some paint, glitter, my husband getting cut with rusty wire, buying new wire, modge podging, gluing, adding a clear coat, and learning how to embellish the lips and hearts with a stamp pad.... it's finished! I have to say I'm very pleased with how it turned out!!

I have to laugh because even though Emilee and I worked on this together, they look nothing alike. Her letters are a different shape and they are black and a cranberry red and mine are of course, bring red and white! Each fit our house perfectly. It was so fun! I'm ready to make my St. Patrick's day one now!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hamburgers and Fries!

It's that time again, trying to play catch up on my blog! Summer gets so busy, but July seems insane! I think we are finally recovering from all of our events and hopefully can get back to normal around here. We got together with Brett's extended family to celebrate and remember his Grandpa D. We were missing some of the grandkids but managed to get a snapshot of the ones that were there. 

Top: (L-R) Maren, Brennan, Lulu, Buddy
Bottom: Kambria, Brooklyn, Squiggle, and Isaac

We had a BBQ with hamburgers and hot-dogs (a summer standard) but for dessert my sister-in-law, Emilee found something a bit more clever that fit well with our theme: 

Dessert Hamburgers and Fries!

Between Emilee, me and my mother-in-law, Nancy I think our dessert turned out so stinkin' cute, I had to post about how clever we were! 

We got little fry baskets to serve them in. Em cute-sied up the fry holder to say Happy Birthday to remember grandpa and then we all had our assignments to make this darling hamburger dessert! The hamburger bun is a cupcake, cut in half, with sesame seeds on top - they are not nearly as cute without them! The meat is a round brownie. And the lettuce, ketchup, and mustard is colored frosting. The fries are sugar cookies, cut into strips, sprinkled with sugar for the look of salt. 

They were fun to make, so dang cute, everyone liked them, and Isaac couldn't shove his hamburger into his mouth fast enough!