I read an interesting piece today called "You Might Be A Conservative If...". It got me thinking that there are a lot of ed deformer types who may not recognize themselves as such. Many E4E "members", for example, claim to be pro union even though they seem to want to destroy everything unions stand for. Those of you unsure of which side of the fence you're on should definitely give this a look.
You Might Be An Ed Deformer If...
1. You're asked whether you favor unions and you say people should be allowed to marry whomever they please.
2. You'd have to work 20 years in the system for your salary to equal what mummy and daddy paid for one year of your undergrad work.
3. You believe that exorbitant teacher salaries and lavish pensions are wrecking this country's economy, so you spend millions of your hedge fund profits fighting them.
4. You chose your child's private school based upon low student teacher ratios, high tuition, and college acceptance rates, but you think public schools can be "fixed" by putting 50 poor kids in a room with a "quality" teacher.
5. You consider a teacher with three years of experience a veteran.
6. Your first day of teaching introduced you to the first black people you ever met who you didn't have to tip.
7. You spend more on beard maintenance in a month than you received in Teacher's Choice last year.
8. You think that poverty, drug addicted parents, gang-infested neighborhoods, and hunger can all be defeated with a sharpened number 2 pencil.
9. You want to open up a chain of charter schools because everyone in your yacht club has one.
10. You've spent more time writing white papers than Cheech and Chong have spent rolling papers.
Any other signs you know of? Post 'em in the comments!