Showing posts with label G-spot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label G-spot. Show all posts

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cathie Black: "Cheaper than a hooker"

Suppose you're a NYC teacher and you publicly support an IPhone app that teaches sex positions. Let's further suppose your comment is viewable by any of your students. And then, let's say that you tried to sell that app by claiming that at $2.99, it's "...cheaper than a hooker"? How long would it be before the Office of Special Investigations led you out of your classroom in handcuffs (which should not be confused with position #30 on the app)?

Never fear. Even if you lost your job because of your indiscretion, you'd be able to apply to be the Chancellor of the NYC public schools. Yes, Cathie Black made the above hooker comment with regard to the Cosmopolitan Sex Position of the Day App.

Now, there's nothing wrong with what she did if she wants to continue being the editor of Cosmo. But if she wants to lead 1.1 million schoolchildren, these things matter. When students Google her, they'll find that she supports an app that shows you how to do the "G-Spot Jiggy" and "Rock-a-Bye Booty."

I launched my own personal investigation into this app, and all I can tell you is that it isn't befitting a chancellor of the public schools. Although Mrs. Talk kind of liked the "Flip Side Boogie".
(Thanks, Cathie.)
