czwartek, 19 października 2017

Layout tutorial: fussy cutting to create a unique background

Hello everyone, it's Giorgia here today.

Today I would love to show you a layout with a DIY background made with fussy cutting technique.
I cutted all these amazing Altair Art butterflies to create an eye catching layout.

As background paper I chose a light blue paper from new collection Flower Harmony, to mimic the sky.
I decided to keep the overall design clean, because the background is really full, so the layout is embellished with only two stickers and an enamel heart: 

 Altair Art has a huge assortment of butterflies that you can fussy cut to use as embellishments: I chose to use the Sunrise butterflies, they seem watercolored and they are stunning!

To create the background you will need 7 strips of Sunrise butterflies: in each strip there are 7 butterflies. For each layer on the background you will need 6 butterflies; keep the remaining butterfly (keep each time a different one) to create the 8th layer.
When you fussy cut the butterflies you can choose to leave a tiny border all around or not: in this case I prefer not to. To cut all the butterflies you will need about 2 hours... it is a long work but it worth it!

 I preferred to cut one strip at the time and adhere the butterflies, so I won't add twice by mistake the same butterfly in one raw. To glue them I added tacky glue only in the centre, so I can lift the wings up to make the butterflies "fly" and create dimension and movement.

 I added a word/quote sticker to each butterfly. You can find premade stickers like this or you can create your own making a table in a word document, this is how I made mine! You can write your own words, print the document and cut all the tiny words. I also have a machine that create stickers, so I run the sheet in the machine and made it sticky - so useful!

 I added a word/quote sticker to each butterfly. You can find premade stickers like this or you can create your own making a table in a word document, this is how I made mine! You can write your own words, print the document and cut all the tiny words. I also have a machine that create stickers, so I run the sheet in the machine and made it sticky - so useful!

 I added a word/quote sticker to each butterfly. You can find premade stickers like this or you can create your own making a table in a word document, this is how I made mine! You can write your own words, print the document and cut all the tiny words. I also have a machine that create stickers, so I run the sheet in the machine and made it sticky - so useful!

 I added a word/quote sticker to each butterfly. You can find premade stickers like this or you can create your own making a table in a word document, this is how I made mine! You can write your own words, print the document and cut all the tiny words. I also have a machine that create stickers, so I run the sheet in the machine and made it sticky - so useful!

These are the paper I used, you can find them here.

I hope you like my layout and give it a try on this kind of background technique!

A presto, ciao

wtorek, 17 października 2017

Czekoladownik w letnich kolorach

Dzisiaj przybywam z czekoladownikiem w kolorach letnich

Today I come with chocolate in summer colors

W pracy wykorzystałam papiery:
I used the paper:

AltairArt - Flower Harmony 06                      AltairArt - Sunrise 04 Niebieski


niedziela, 15 października 2017

Challenge #10: fall mood board

Witajcie! / Hello everyone!  

Today we invite you for our new Challenge "Fall moodboard challenge"
Zapraszamy na wyzwanie "Jesienny moodboard"

 Make an artwork inspired by this fall mood board: you can be inspired by colors, elements, textures... the sky is not the limit!

Prosimy o wykonanie pracy inspirowanej moodboardem (kolorami, elementami, fakturami....) - możliwości są nieograniczone!

Zasady wyzwania:

  1. Praca musi być nowa, nigdzie wcześniej nie publikowana.
  2. Ilość prac do zgłoszenia: można zgłosić więcej niż jedną, ale każdą prosimy zgłaszać w osobnej notce, z podaniem banerka wyzwania i linkiem do tej notki. W przypadku zgłaszania prac zamieszczonych nie na blogu (w galerii, Facebooku) w opisie pracy trzeba podać link do wyzwania.
  3. Każda zgłoszona praca jest brana pod uwagę przy wyborze pracy wyróżnionej.
  4. Forma: dowolna (scrapowa).
  5. Pracę można zgłaszać maksymalnie na 4 inne wyzwania (łącznie z naszym 5 wyzwań).
  6. W pracach nie trzeba używać produktów AltairArt, ale będzie nam bardzo miło, jeśli ich użyjecie :). Jeśli znajdują się w Waszej pracy, napiszcie o nich :)
  7. Prace należy zgłaszać przez narzędzie do linkowania na końcu posta (nie w komentarzach do notki), podając link do notki z pracą (nie do całego bloga)
  8. Bardzo prosimy o rozważenie wyłączenia weryfikacji słownej komentarzy - nasze DT stara się skomentować każdą pracę, a to bardzo utrudnia. Dziękujemy za zrozumienie! :)
  9. Zgłaszając pracę na wyzwanie zgadzacie się na zamieszczenie jej na blogu AltairArt oraz na naszej stronie na FB.
  10. Na Wasze prace czekamy do 14.11.2017 r. do godz. 23:55.
  11. Wyniki zostaną podane 21 października.

Challenge rules:

  1. Your artwork must be new, not published before an announcing of the challenge. 
  2. Each submitted artwork is considered to be a winner.
  3. You can enter the challenge with every kind of paper artwork (cards, layouts, albums, artjournals, canvas, tags, boxes, ATC etc.)
  4.   4 others ones.
  5. You don't have to use our papers in your artwork, but we will be happy if you do - and write about it in an artwork's description :)
  6. Submit your artwork using a linky tool adding a link to the blog post, not to entire blog :) If there are problems with linky tool the artwork can be submitted in the comments of the post announcing the challenge.
  7. Submitting work you agree to publish it on our blog and fb.
  8. We do our best to ensure that each participant receives comments from our Design Team members. We can only do this if they do not have Word Verification on their blogs - and we are not robots ;)
  9. We are waiting for your artworks till 14.11.2017, 11:55 pm.
  10. The results will be published on 21st of November.
  11. You can submit as many artworks as you like, but please, submit each artwork published in separate blog post. Please include our banner (from above) and a link to challenge post in description. If you have no blog, you can submit artwork published on your Facebook/web gallery, but please, also include the banner and a link to challenge post in description.

Inspiracje DT/Design Team Reveal

 Marina Gridasova


Karteluszki Reni 




Scrapping Goat








I was inspired by colors, texture, leaves.




Yulia Popkova


     Link up your projects in the linky tool. 

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