Groups of words give rise to more serious ambiguity. Such ambiguity may arise from doubt as to a case, as in the following passage:2—
“I say that you, O prince of Aeacus' line,Or it may arise from the arrangement of the words,
Rome can o'erthrow.
Groups of words give rise to more serious ambiguity. Such ambiguity may arise from doubt as to a case, as in the following passage:2—
“I say that you, O prince of Aeacus' line,Or it may arise from the arrangement of the words,
Rome can o'erthrow.
1 i. e. whether he wrote πάντα Λέοντι or Πανταλέοντι.
2 Enn. Ann. 186. An ambiguous oracle quoted by Cicero (de Div. II. lvi.). It might equally mean that Rome or Pyrrhus would conquer. Cp. the oracle given to Croesus: “If thou cross the Halys, thou shalt destroy a mighty empire.”
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