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--The marriage of M. Erlanger, the banker, to Miss Slidell, is causing no small sensation. M. Erlanger being just divorced from M'lle. Odelle Lafitte, (Charles Lafitte's daughter,) and the divorced lady being about to enter the bonds of matrimony with the cause of the divorce, makes it the event of interest. One of those curious circumstances which can never happen but in France is recorded of the incident which led to the divorce. The guilty party, being pursued by the offended husband, was, of course, struck with terror; but philosophy and contempt had done much to mitigate the pursuer's wrath, and so, instead of "chastising the insolence" according to the fashion observed in novels, he quietly placed his pocket-book into the hands of the fugitive, exclaiming, "Ah malheureur! You have only taken ten thousand francs, and you are going to Rome! Knowing your fair companion well, I can safely say that such a paltry sum as that will be devoured before you get to Marseilles. There is double the sum; this will enable you to go further off — to Naples perhaps, and I shall be the gainer, for you will be forced to remain there." And with this consolatory speech the injured party coolly turned upon his heel and walked off. So goes the legend, at least.

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