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The oil wells of Pennsylvania.

--The wells of petroleum oil in Western Pennsylvania are yielding marvellous fortunes. The New York Herald, in noticing them, says:

‘ "There is one petroleum aristocrat, for example, who has an income of three thousand dollars a day — and goes to a country town in New York to waste it. There is another petroleum aristocrat who has the same income — and remains in the oil region, where he cannot find a house large enough to hold his money, and has to refuse greenbacks because they are bulky. Another aristocrat is not twenty years old, and his income is two thousand dollars a day. He was a poor, adopted boy a few years ago, and now he rules the rural roast like a provincial prince. He bets seventy-five thousand dollars on a card; he buys a splendid span of horses and a new carriage, takes a drive, and presents the whole equipage to his coachman; he indulges in all the foolish and riotous extravagances of a man who has more money than he wants and can find no place to spend it. Let him come on to New York and he can spend his two thousand per diem like a gentleman and run in debt besides, unless he practices economy and avoids fashionable tailors, hotels and restaurants."

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