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Fires in Russia.

--The Moscow Gazette publishes a frightful list of fires, which, since April last, have taken place in different parts of Russia; and it adds, that the account of the principal disasters is not complete. The work of incendiaries commenced at the end of April, in the Government of Kalonea, by the destruction of fifty-four houses; next at Ok Hanska, two hundred and four houses were burnt; at Seabrook, four-fifths of the town were destroyed; at Mozir, one-half of the houses; at Mologa, more than two hundred, and at the fair of Nijui- Noogorod, fifteen hundred booths and one hundred and forty-eight houses; at Patrofsk, there were six fires in June, and entire quarters of the town were consumed. The powder magazine of Nazan and that of Okhta, near Petersburg, were blown up. At Riga, two fires occurred; the same at Tunlen, where the finest quarters of the town were consumed. At Orenburg, six hundred houses were burnt, and Baki is only a heap of ruins. Four conflagrations took place at St. Petersburg; six at Simbirsk, a town which, as well as Yaroslavi, are now in ruins. Previous to April, two imperial cannon foundries were destroyed.

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