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Mayor's Court.

--Monday morning the Mayor held his court, when the following cases were taken up and considered.

Three charges were preferred against Calvin Henry, a soldier, belonging to the Twenty-eighth Virginia regiment--the first of which was for assaulting Stephen R. Mallory, a son of Secretary Mallory, by shooting at him with a loaded gun. The accused denied shooting at Mallory, but said that he only shot his gun in the air to scare him.--The second offence was that of stealing a pocket-book, containing four hundred dollars in money and various papers of value, the property of Joseph Duckworth, on Friday or Saturday night. Upon these two charges the Mayor sent the accused on for examination before the Court.--The third charge was that of feloniously cutting and stabbing a negro named Henry, slave of the Central Railroad Company. No particulars were developed in this instance, and the case was continued till this morning.

Two negroes, named America, slave of Angelina Wingo, and Jane, slave of Robert A. Tompkins, were charged with feloniously and maliciously setting fire to the house of Mr. Tompkins. The evidence against the accused is said to be strong; but, the alleged offence having been committed in the county of Henrico, the parties were sent to a county magistrate for examination, and therefore no testimony was called out before the Mayor.

George Knauff and Henry Breill, charged with fighting in the street, were each required to pay a fine of $20 and give security to keep the peace and be of good behavior for twelve months.

Mary Ann Carr was charged with keeping a disorderly house; but, the complainant not appearing when the case was called, the accused was discharged.

Aaron, slave of Joseph R. Anderson, and Lewis, slave of James Powell, charged with stealing a bag of coal, were each ordered to receive twenty lashes.

Seaton Anderson, a free negro without papers, arrested with a lot of turnips and potatoes in his possession, supposed to have been stolen, was sent to the batteries.

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