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The transactions in specie during the week have been very light. We quote as follows: Gold, buying at $20, and selling at $22. Silver, buying at $16, and selling at $18.

Bank Notes.--No difference is made in the bankable funds of the different States. The brokers are buying this species of paper at $2.75 to $3, and selling at $3.25 to $3.50.

Confederate Bonds.--Eight per cent registered bonds, 102½ 6 per cents, 98. bonds of 15 m loan, coupons, 188 to 185; registered, 147 to 148.

State Bonds. Virginia registered, long dates, 240 to 241; par due, 200; coupon bonds, 475; N C 6's, old issue, , new issue, 261; N C 8's 257.

Railroad Bonds--Richmond and Danville registered, 223. Va Central, coupon, second mortage, 246.

Bank Stock.--Traders'bank, 191 to 195; Farmers'bank, to 186; Bank of Virginia, 143 to 145; Bank of Commonwealth, 190; Bank of Richmond, 119 to 119¾ Bank of city of Petersburg, 140.

Grain And Flour.--We hear of no sales of wheat. It is generally held at from $15 to $20, according to the quality of the article. Corn is worth $13 per bushel. The stock of flour on hand is very light. We have heard of sales at prices varying from $120 to $140 per barrel. Corn meal may be quoted at $16 per bushel.

Country Product And Vegetable.--At the commission houses the following prices are asked and obtained, at wholesale; Bacon, $3.25 to 3.50; pork, $3; beef, $1.25; poultry, $2; lard, $3.25 to 3.50; butter, $6, and in demand; eggs, $2.50 to 2.75; apples, $75 to 85 per bbl; onions, $30 to 35 per bushel; Irish potatoes, $10 to 12 per bushel; sweet potatoes, none in market.

Groceries.--Coffee, $12 to $14; brown sugar, $3.50 to $4; New Orleans molasses, $30 per gallon; sorghum, $22 to $25; rice, 30 to 35 cents per lb; salt, 25 to 30 cents.

Liquors.--Whiskey may be quoted at $60 to $60 per gallon, as to the quality of the article; apple brandy, $50 to $55; rum, $55 to 60.

Leather--Sole, 8.70 to $8; upper, $8 to $10; harness, $7.75 to $8.50.

Tobacco.--The demand for tobacco of choice quality has improved within the past week, and sales have been somewhat brisker, with a slight improvement in prices.

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