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Interrupting a white Woman in the street.

--Miss Anne Thompson, a woman of loose character, made complaint before the Mayor yesterday, against Anne Dean, a mulatto woman of the same stamp, for "jostling" and otherwise interrupting her in the street, Miss T., made that the three or four months, whenever she would meet the accused she would run against her, and very recently they had met in the Post-office when Dean again jostled her, besides using very insulting and abusive language towards her. She had no acquaintance with her, nor did she know, who she was till informed by some of her friends. Before making complaint she went to the house of the accused and warned her against any further repetition of the offence, upon the penalty of a recourse to the law. Upon doing so, Dean replied that she did not care for any white person and dared Miss. Thompson to have her up.

Mr. Crane, counsel for the defence, called upon several gentlemen, who had known his client for years, to testify to her good reputation, all of whom spoke of her in favorable terms.

The Mayor, desiring to make further inquiries into the matter, adjourned his decision till this morning.

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