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A complaint from the Major.

--During the session of his Court yesterday, the Mayor, having a complaint to make, called Recorder Caskie to preside in his place. The nature of the case was this: that His Honor, while proceeding along 12th street, was unexpectedly stopped by a dray, which had backed up to the curbstone in front of the store of Mr. William T. Brown, the driver being engaged in delivering a load of cabbages. Upon the Mayor ordering the driver to stop until he had passed he was told by Brown peremptorily to go on--"not to stop for anybody; he didn't care who he was;" and this was re-repeated, notwithstanding the remonstrance of the Mayor. Brown remarked at the same time, that though. Mr. Mayo was Mayor in the Court-room, he had no more business in the street than any one else. His (B.'s) deportment, moreover, was, from the testimony of His Honor, very insulting and offensive. This was substantiated by the evidence of several witnesses, who stated that the driver was throwing the cabbages from the dray into the store door, obviously obstructing the passage of all persons along the pavement. Brown protested, in his defence, that he meant no offence; but the Recorder, deeming his conduct of too grave a character to overlook, imposed upon him a fine of $10, which he paid and was dismissed.

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