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Assault and battery.

--Ash Levy and M. A. Levy were brought before the Mayor yesterday, charged with assaulting and beating John K. Berry, on the 14th inst. In the course of this examination the two Levys made a counter charge against Berry and another man named R. M. Harvey, who, they alleged, had assaulted them, (the Levys,) and fired a pistol at them. The testimony in this case proved that Berry had rented from Ash Levy a certain tenement, about which some dissatisfaction had occurred, causing the owner of the house to be very annoying to Berry, which resulted in a difficulty between them. The Mayor, after a patient hearing of the witnesses, deemed both Ash Levy and J. K. Berry to blame, and required of them security in the sum of $500 to keep the peace for twelve months. Against Harvey there was not a particle of evidence, and he was therefore discharged.

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