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A notorious bandit killed.

--A correspondent of the Athens (Tenn.) Watchman writes that Goldman Bryson, the notorious bandit, was killed in his own house by a squad of men, mostly Indians. There is no doubt as to the certainty of it. A very respectable citizen from Hiawassee, Ga., was in Murphy last Saturday, and saw Bryson's boots, pistol, furlough, (from Burnside for recruiting service,) his vest, that was bloody where he was bayoneted, and his mustes roll which is rather an important document. Capt. Vaughn, from Tennessee, surprised a party of Bryson's men that had stopped for dinner below Murphy, and captured a contain and 17 men, and killed four, and this party of Indiana pursed Bryson 14 miles through the mountains, to his own house, and shot seven balls into him and ran a bayonet through him. He had but six dollars about his person, and that Confederate money.

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