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Hustings Court.

--The Justices of this Court met at 11 o'clock yesterday, and tried the following cases:

John and Sarah Gormley, indicted for receiving goods from Harriet, slave to John. H. Blake, was tried and acquitted.

Andrew J. Myers, selling liquor to be drunk at the place where sold, without a license. Fined $63 and costs.

Charles Russell and Henry Jones, indicted for stealing, $180 worth of boots and shoes from Henry Staub, found not guilty and discharged.

Richard, slave of John C. Grayson, stealing a military overcoat worth $250, found not guilty.

Burwell, slave of Martin Phillips, charged with stealing one barrel of apple brandy, worth $1,265, from Wm. B. Jones &Co., was found guilty and ordered twenty lashes.

Frank Pendleton, alias Barrett, violently assaulting and beating Cecilia Smith, was found guilty and fined $100. The Court sentenced him to six months in the city jail and to be employed in the chain gang. On another charge against the same party for assaulting and beating Henry C. Hazelgrove in a gaming room on 13th street, he was found guilty and fined $10. The Court sentenced him to three months imprisonment in jail.

The Grand Jury met and found true bills against the following persons:

Richard Turner, for assaulting and beating J. W. Satterwhite. C. W. Sims, R. W. Brown, and John. H. King. for resisting the police in the discharge of his duty.

Miles Cary, beating James Bennett.

John Barton, Patrick O'Brian, Thomas H. Wilkinson, George W. Elam, and Robert Burch, now confined in the city jail, for violently assaulting and beating two other jail birds, James Armsley and Thomas O'Neal.

Edwin. Nyer, receiving a pair of boots stolen from John W. Sherrard.

William Bethel, assaulting and beating Michael Sheay.

The Grand Jury will meet to day at 11 o'clock, at which time all witnesses should, be present.

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