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Heavy Robbery

--The Robber Caught.--On Tuesday evening last Mr. Abraham Selig, the Keeper of a cigu store at the corner of 19th and Main sts, was robbed of between $3,000 and $4,000 in Confederate notes, North Carolina notes, and a small portion of silver. Selig had in his employ, a young German, who gave his name as Wm. Fricke, and who worked in a room in rear of the store, where Selig also worked and kept his money in his valise. Between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock Selig was called into the front room to attend a customer, leaving Fricke at his bench. When he returned, his valise and money had disappeared, and Fricke was gone, Selig immediately posted off to Capt. McCubbin's office, and procuring the services of Detective Moore, related what had occurred, described the suspected party, and left the matter in his hands — to work out. About 8 o'clock Mr. Moore. visited the bar-room of the Threatre and keeping his eyes open on all comers, had nothing to wait before a young man came in that answered the description of the one of whom he was in search, and called for a glass of beer. Officer Moore, to prevent suspicion, also approached the bar, called for cigars, paid for them, and asked the newcorner to have one. Fricke declined, but very soon after pulled out an $100 note, showed it to the bar-keeper, and desired to know whether it was good or bad. Moore deeming that a proper occasion to move, and seeing his new acquaintance pull out a large quantity of money, with which to pay for his beer, stepped up, took possession of the $100 note, and informed the young man that he was in custody on the charge of theft. More then marched his prisoner off to Captain McCubbin's office, where he searched him and found about $2,500.-- Fricke, on seeing that he was detected, confessed the theft, and admitted that he had purchased a new suit with a portion of the money, giving the names of the parties of whom he made the purchase. He was then locked up for the night, Mr. Selig informed of his arrest, and yesterday morning the new suit was returned to the clothing man, and the amount of money paid for them recovered. At 11 o'clock the prisoner was taken before the Mayor, and, after a hearing, remanded for trial before a called Court.

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