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The Dangers of Blockade running

The C. S. steamer Cornubia, which was run ashore by her commander, Capt. Gale, off Wilmington, N. C., on Sunday last, was laden with a very valuable cargo for the Government. Capt. Gale remained on board and was taken by the Federal, who got the vessel off with her cargo uninjured. The rest of the crew made their escape to Wilmington. The next morning, about one o'clock, the Banshee, from Bermuda, while running in was chased by one blockader in front of her, one abreast, and one astern, all firing rapidly. One of them got within thirty yards of her and called her to stop; but the Captain of the B. defied them to catch him, and got his vessel into port safe, with the exception of one shot through her hulk, aft the wheel-house. It is stated that, with similar determination, the Cornubia might have been saved.

The Margaret and Jessie, which was captured off Wilmington on the 5th by the Fulton, had a valuable cargo on. The captain might have gotten her off, but having ladies on board he have to when several shots had been fired. The following is a list of her passengers, who have arrived in New York, and are in prison there: Miss Maria Sparks, Mrs. Bourne, J. B. Baggott, A. McLay, S. L. Wartzfalder, W. Collins, J. Burke, and C. W. Craig. Miss Sparks was on her way home to Richmond, having been at school in England.

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