Financial and commercial.
Thursday, June 23, 1863.Special and Bank Notes.--The market is dull, with a downward tendency in the rates for specie. Some of the brokers have paid we understand, as high as $7,25 premium for gold, but $7 is now the lowest, whiled they are more willing to sell at $7,50 premium. Silver is quotable at $6,50 to $7, Sterling Exchange $8,75 to $9. Bank notes $1,03 to $1,10 premium.
Bonds and Stocks.--We have to renew last quotations of the leading securities, viz: Confederate bonds, 100 M., 102½a109½ and int, do. do., 15 M. coupon, 200 and int, do. do registered, 125 and int., Va regis'd stock 131 and int.; Tenn, bonds, 4 coupons on, 225; North Carolina sixes, new, 134 and int., do eights, 135 and int., Va. Cent'l R. R. bonds, 21 mort., 132 and int. James River and Kanawha stock. 22, Clover Hill R. R. Co. 262. Insurance, Bank and Trading Co's chares, as last quoted. It is announced that the Secretary of the Treasury will soon invite bids for $50,000,000, bonds — interest payable in cotton at the rate of 6d. sterling per pound — in accordance with the provisions of the "Funding, Act." passed by Congress at its last session.
Produce, Provisions.&c.--Bacon — We quote hog round at $1,45 to 1,50 per lb.--Beans, $12 to 15 per bushed Butter, $1,25 to 1,50 per lb. Cheese, $1,50 to 1,70 per lb.--Dried Fruit--Apples, $10 to 11, Peaches, $10 per bushel. Eggs, $1.59 to 1.75 per dozen.--Forage — Hay. $8 to 10 per 100 lbs, Sheaf Oats and Fedder, about the same price, Lard, $1,45 to 1,59 per lb. Pear, $12 to 15 per bus. Potatoes--Irish, none in market, would bring $20 per bushel Corn, $10 per bushed, and solarce. Corn Meal, $10, 50 to 11 per bushel. Flour — Superline, $31 to 32; Extra, $33 to 34. Family, $35 to 36 per bbl. Oats, $8 per bus. Wheat — but little offering; we quote at $6,50 to 7 per bushel.
Groceries.--Sugar has declined; we new quote Brown at $1,39 ad 40 per lb. Coffee $350a4 per lb. Tea $8a10 per do. Molasses $9,60a10 per gallon. Salt 45 cts per lb. Rice 16a20 cts per lb. Candies $2,75a3 per lb. Soap 50a85 cts per lb.
Tobacco.--The market is not so animated, except for the fider grades There is no change in price. We quote inferior Lugs at $10a12,50. good do, $16 to 18,20; fine bright do, $25a35; inferior Leaf, $30,35; good do, $45a50, fine Manufacturing, $75a150; fine bright wrappers, $170a225, English Shipping $50,65.
Liquors.--Apple Brandy, $20a27, Whiskey, --the latter price for a prime article; French Brandy (imitation) $12a60 per gallon.