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The great Disadvantages the United States labored under.

--The richest article we have seen lately is from Harper's Weekly, of the 20th inst. We suppose it was intended chiefly for European circulation:

"It seems that there are some people who think we are whipped. If so we are all like Gen. Taylor, who never knew when he was beaten. It is precisely the strain in which John Bull has addressed us from the beginning. 'Kicking's no use,' sneers honest John. 'You are dead as a door nail, if you only knew it.'--This is exactly the point we can not beat into our dull brains. Here we have been fighting for two years. We began without an army. without a navy, with, scarcely a dollars, and with no expectation of a fight. The enemy on the other hand, had been carefully preparing for many years. We suddenly see that we must fight, whether we are ready or not, and we plunge in pell mell. We are rebuffed, defeated and victorious. We win and loss battles through two years of fluctuating fortunes, but, meanwhile, we steadfastly push on, &c., &c. We loss no advantage we once secure, and we prevent their own successes in the field from helping them. "

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