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Affairs in the Valley — cavalry exploits — the enemy visit Rockingham.

About the 25th of July a party of eighteen men belonging to Col. Harman's cavalry regiment, under Lieut. Morrow, made a dash upon the enemy at Nineveh, Warren county, Va., and captured eighteen prisoners, forty horses, and fourteen wagons, with a large quantity of stores. Ten of the wagons were destroyed for want of men to bring them off. Some important dispatches were also captured.--There were over twenty Federal horsemen with the train when it was attacked, but they took to flight after a brief resistance.

On the night of the 20th ult., a company of the 12th Virginia cavalry, under Capt. O'Ferrall, entered the town of Luray, Page county, in the hope of finding a body of the enemy, who had been committing various depredations upon the property of the citizens. The Yankees, however, had taken their departure but a short time before. The Confederates were welcomed with great demonstrations of joy. At Newtown, near Winchester, Capt. O'Ferrall's company captured and paroled a number of prisoners.

A large force of Yankee cavalry crossed the Blue Ridge, from Madison county, on the 24th ult., into Rockingham, and arrested Dr. S. B Jennings, Dr. S. P. H. Miller, Capt. Kite, Capt. Covington, Geo. W. Sanford, and Meredith Nighting, residing near Conrad's store. They burned Mr. Nighting's barn and dwelling house, alleging as a reason that a Yankee soldier had been shot and killed near that place.--Some of the parties were subsequently released but Mr. N. was carried off into captivity.

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