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A card from Dr. Plumer--he Defines his position.

--The Pittsburg Dispatch publishes the following card from Rev. Dr. W. S. Plumer, who der many years was paster of the First Presbyterian Church in Richmond:

By God's good providence I was born under the Government of the United States. Under the flag which floats over its Capital. I have always lived in my own frae choice I expect to live and die under it's noble Constitution. I have never thought of a better nor desired a different form of fundamental law.

I believe, and I have uniformly held and taught that civil government is the ordinance of God. I believe the Government of the United States is the ordinance of God to me and to my children, as it was to my parents before me. When any man is chosen our Chief Magistrate I accept him as the minister of God to me in civil affairs. I regard it as my solemn duty and my high privilege to sustain this Government; against any and every attempt to destroy it. I tend sustain it in word and deed — by precept and example — with my prayers; with the little worthily goods. I possess and if called thereto, was my life. I would not live under it if I could not heartily do these things. I have often spoken of and written for it, but never against it. For letter and for worse, I own no other Government than that under which I now enjoy all my temporal blessings. I have long ago written, and I still maintain, that there is no provision in our form of government for accession, and that secession is revolution.

Of these things I have so long and familiarly spoken both publicly and privately, and they have for many years entered so fully into the very elements of my principles, that I was surprised when I was told that any one thought it would be proper that I should know them any more publicly than I had already dane, in order to prevent a misunderstanding of my true position.

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